Jack Frost Parade

Fishers of Men

Sunday, November 2, 2014


    Thank you to all who came dressed in fishing apparel and rode or walked with our trucks and boat as a part of Robesonia's 2014 Jack Frost Parade.  Thank you to all who donated candy, and who helped affix the "St. Paul's UCC" labels on the gummy fish.  Thank to all who helped that day share our church in a fun way, as we participated in this wonderful community event as fishers of people.

    Thank you to all the other churches, schools, groups, organizations, individuals, and vendors who participated in this parade.  A special thank you for the food and drink offered to participants at the end of the parade.


JFParade 2014 22aQFC




You can view additional pictures of this year's theme on our facebook page, by clicking on this Jack Frost Parade 2014 Facebook Photos link.

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