The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference

of the United Church of Christ


     The United Church of Christ (UCC) is divided into thirty-nine conferences.  Most of the conference divisions are based on geography.  Conferences are further divided into associations (some conferences consist of only one association).  All UCC churches belong to a conference and an association. 

     St. Paul's UCC belongs to the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the United Church of Christ.  The PSEC is divided into five associations.  St. Paul's UCC belongs to the Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ.

     The conference and the association enables local churches to more effectively work together in mission and ministry, as well as to provide shared support, oversight, and accountability for our clergy and congregations.


     To learn more about our Pennsylvania Southeast Conference and to access our conference's online resources, you can click on this PSEC link.


     Currently our Covenant Association does not have its own website, but the conference does provide a page for each association.  You can click on this Covenant Association PSEC Page link to view our association's page.

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