
20170604 101033_001     Confirmation is a Rite within the church, which is the affirmation of the vows made during the Sacrament of Baptism.


     The path to confirmation, involves participating in the confirmation classes.  During these classes we learn about the confirmation/baptismal vows; about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, prayer, and basic theological principals of our faith; about mission and outreach; about the history of the church from the first disciples to modern day; and more.


     These classes are for both baptized and unbaptized teens and young adults who are interested in becoming members of St. Paul's UCC.


     The recommend starting age for the confirmation program is 8th grade.  Youth as young as 7th grade are welcome to participate.  Older teens and young adults are also very welcome to participate.  This is a two year program, so it is highly recommended that interested teenages start by or before 11th grade.  As a class, we meet just during the school year (not over the summer) about twice a month or so for about an hour and a half.



Next Incoming Confirmation Class

Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 6:00pm

Preregistration: Sunday, September 4, 2022

     Our next confirmation program will begin on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 6:00pm.   This class is for new students.  We are planning to offer the class in person while practicing social distancing.  If due to the pandemic we are unable to meet in person, we plan to have this class through electronic communication (such as a Zoom conference call).

     If you are interested in participating, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 so we can be sure to be in contact with you regarding schedules and keep you informed about potential social distancing options.  If you are interested and the tentative date/time does not work in your schedule, please contact the church office, so we can take those scheduling conflicts into consideration when planning the days and times of the classes.

     Both interested youth and their parents/guardians should attend this first class.  To ensure that we have enough materials for the first class, please pre-register by Sunday, September 4, 2022 by contacting the church office at or or 610-621-5770.




Current - Confirmation Class

2022-2023 School Year

     We will be meeting about every other Sunday from 6:00-7:30pm. 



Rite of Confirmation


     The 2021 Rite of Confirmation Worship Service took place on Sunday, May 23 at 10:30am.  Congratulations to our 2021 Confirmation Class.



     There is no scheduled Rite of Confirmation service for 2020.


     The celebration of the Rite of Confirmation generally takes place during Sunday morning worship in May or June (based on the date of Pentecost), where we receive our newest and youngest members into the congregation as full members in standing, lay on of hands, and hear their affirmation of the baptismal vows.


     Congratulations to our 2018 and 2017 Confirmation Classes, pictured below.


Confirmation 2017_022        Confirmation 2018_3774       

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