Youth Fellowship


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Description of Youth Fellowship

Youth Fellowship Electronic Updates

Regular Meetings

Upcoming Youth Activities

Types of Youth Group Activities

Youth Educational Opportunities 








Description of Youth Fellowship

Image result for church youth group clipart     The purpose of our youth fellowship is to help provide teens and tweens with a supportive environment to grow in a living relationship with their loving God, and form supportive caring relationships with one another.

     Our Youth Fellowship is designed for youth in grades 5 to 12 (middle school and high school age youth).  Youth who are in grades 5-12 or ages 12 years old to 20 years old (whichever range is more inclusive of you) are welcome to participate.  You (nor your parents) need not be a member of St. Paul's UCC to participate.  There is no fee to be a part of the Youth Fellowship (however, some of the activities do involve fees).




Youth Fellowship Electronic Updates

Image result for electronic church youth group clipart     Click on this UCC of Robesonia Youth Group Flocknote link to sign up to receive periodic e-mail and/or text updates about upcoming youth events and activities.  There is no fee.  You do not need to download an app.  You need only provide first and last name and an e-mail and/or mobile number.  You can unsubscribe at any time, or change your e-mail/text preferences, by contacting the church office at




Regular Meetings

Image result for church youth group clipart meeting

     The Youth Fellowship normally meets on the second and last Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00pm (which on the last Thursday, follows "Soup & Such").  The meetings (and schedule changes) are listed on our online calendar.  You can share in a free meal from 4:00-6:00pm at Soup & Such on the last Thursday of the month and then participate in the Youth Fellowship meeting.


If you have any questions, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770.




Image result for church youth group clipart upcomingUpcoming Youth Activities

Due to the Corona virus, no definite plans have been made for upcoming youth activities.  The youth continue to meet twice a month.  Discussion will revolve around what the youth can plan while still keeping socially distant.  Once activities are planned, the information will be posted on our Recent & Upcoming Events Page.   



Fall 2019

   Knoebels Amusement Park - Sunday, August 18, 2019

   Blessing of Backpacks - Sunday, August 25, 2019

   Sunday School Resumes - Sunday, September 1, 2019

   Hero In Christ Sunday - September 29, 2019

   Jack Frost Parade Float Building - Sept - Nov 2019

   Lock-In & Float Building - October 5, 2019

   Eagle Peak & Haunted House - Oct 2019 (Postponed to Next Year)

   Trick or Treat - October 31, 2019

   Jack Frost Parade - November 3, 2019

   PSEC Youth Retreat - November 8-10, 2019

   Presentation of Youth Bibles - November 10, 2019

   Presentation of Confirmation Bibles - Nov 17, 2019

   Bonfire - Nov 24, 2019 (Postponed Due to Rain)

   Acolyte Training - November 24, 2019



Winter 2019-2020

   Babysitting & Lock-in - December 7-8, 2019

   Youth Christmas Program - December 15, 2019

   Snow Tubing - January 2020

   Souper Bowl of Caring - February 2, 2020

   Babysitting & Lock-in - February 15-16, 2020

   Scout Sunday - February 2020



Spring 2020

   Indoor Trampeline - March 2020

   Bonfire - June 7, 2020

   Mini-Golf - April 2020

   Easter Egg Hunt - April 2020

   Holy Humor Sunday - April 2020

   Planning Meeting for Next Year - May 2020

   Paint Ball - May 2020



Summer 2020

   Vacation Bible School - June 2020

   Camping - July 2020

   Knoebels Amusement Park - Sunday, August 16, 2020

   Blessing of Backpacks - Aug/Sept 2020



Events from Previous Years

Fall 2018

     Knoebels Amusement Park - Sunday, August 19, 2018

     Blessing of Backpacks - Sunday, August 26, 2018

     Doctor Who Bible Study - Begins Sunday, September 9, 2018

     God & Family and God & Church Religious Awards - Sunday, September 16, 2018

     Boating - Saturday, September 22, 2018 - Boating Pics

     Lock-In & Float Building - Saturday, September 29 - Sunday, September 30, 2018

     Building a Float for the Jack Frost Parade - September-November 2018


     Mind, Body, & Spirit (MB&S) After School Program - Tuesday, October 2 - November 13, 2018

     Float Building - Thursday, October 11, 2018

     Float Building - Thursday, October 25, 2018

     Zoo Trip - October 2018

     Trick or Treating - Wednesday, October 31, 2018


     Jack Frost Parade - Sunday, November 4, 2018

     Youth Bible Presentation - Sunday, November __, 2018 at 10:25am



Winter 2018-2019

     Babysitting - fund-raiser - December 2018 (Postponed to February 2019)

     Christmas Party - December 2018

     Youth Christmas Program - December 2018


     SouperBowl of Caring - Sunday, February 3, 2019

     Babysitting - fund-raiser - Saturday, February 16, 2019

     Lock-In - Saturday, February 16 to Sunday, February 17, 2019

     Mind, Body, & Spirit (MB&S) After School Program - Tuesday, February 19 - April __, 2019

     Geocaching - Sunday, February 24, 2019 - Postponed to April 14, 2019


     Ice Skating - March 23, 2019 - Ice Skating Pics

     Geocaching - April 14, 2019


     Holy Humor Sunday - April 2019

     Car Wash - fund-raiser - May 4, 2019

     Planning the 2019-2020 School Year - Thursday, May 9 & May 30, 2019



Summer 2019

     Conrad Weiser Baccalaureate Worship Service - Thursday, June 6, 2019

     Backpacking Trip - June 2019

     Vacation Bible School - TBD - Summer 2019

     Blue Mountain High Ropes Course - August 2019

     Knoebels Amusement Park - Sunday, August 18, 2019



~ ~ ~ Previous Years Activities ~ ~ ~


Spring 2017

     Boy Scout Sunday - February 2017

     Girl Scout Sunday - March 2017

     Spring Youth Event - April 21 - April 23, 2017

     Holy Humor Sunday - April 23, 2017

     Visit to the Islamic Center of Reading - May 19, 2017

     Youth Group Planning Meeting - May 21, 2017

     Confirmation Sunday - June 4, 2017


Summer 2017

     PSEC Summer Church Camp - Summer 2017

     Penn Central Summer Church Camp - Summer 2017

     Vacation Bible School - Aug 13-17, 2017

     Knoebels Grove Amusement Park - August 20, 2017



Fall 2017 (Sept-Nov)

     Sunday School Open House - August 27 & August 31, 2017

     Sunday School Resumes - Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 9:15AM

     Blessing of the Backpacks - Sunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:25AM

     Start of New Confirmation Class - Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 6:00-7:30PM

     Jack Frost Parade Float Building - September & October 2017

     Jack Frost Parade - November 5, 2017

     Jack Frost Parade Pictures & Video - November 5, 2017

     New School Year Youth Group Meetings - Thurs, Sept 14 & 28, 2017 from 6:00-7:00PM

     Youth Group Meeting - Thurs, Oct 12, 2017 from 6:00-7:00pm

     Youth Group Meeting - Thurs, Oct 26, 2017 from 6:00-7:00pm

     Youth Group Meeting - Thurs, Nov 9, 2017 from 6:00-7:00pm

     Climbing at Reading Rocks - November 2017

     Rock Climbing Pictures - November 2017

     PSEC Fall Youth Event - Fri, Nov 10 -- Sun, Nov 12, 2017

     Youth Group Meeting - Thurs, Nov 30, 2017 from 6:00-7:00pm



Winter 2017-2018 (Dec-Feb)

     Youth Group Meeting - Thurs, Dec 14, 2017 from 6:00-7:00pm

     Snow Tubing Trip - January 2018

     Snow Tubing Pictures - January 2018

     Souper Bowl of Caring - February 2018



Spring 2018 (March-May)

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     Laser Tag - March 22, 2018

     Lock-In For a Cause - April 2018

     Zoo Trip - April 2018

     Boating - May 2018



Summer 2018 (June-Aug)

     Vacation Bible School - June 10-14, 2018

     Knoebels Amusement Park - Sunday, August 19, 2018




Types of Youth Group Activities

     As the Apostle Luke records in Acts 2:42, "They [those who welcomed the message of Christ] devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."

      To create a mkore holistic experience, we intentionally seek to guide the youth in planning a balance of activities across the following categories.  Generally, our annual planning meeting for the upcoming school year is held in May.


Mission Outreach & Community Service

     These activities give youth the opportunity to answer God's call to care for our fellow humankind and God's creation.

     Examples: Supporting the Food Pantry, Supporting an Animal Shelter, Helping at Soup 'n' Such



     Throughout the year we strive to have educational opportunities to learn and grow in faith, and to learn about important life matters, as well.

     Examples: Sunday School, VBS, Trip to the Zoo



     Through worship we give praise to God who gives us life and life everlasting.

     Examples: Youth Christmas Program, Holy Humor Sunday, Star Wars Themed Worship Service



     Our inter-gernational activities provide opportunities for youth to be with persons older than they, learning from their wisdom; and engaging with younger youth, as examples, mentors, and guides.

     Examples: Helping with VBS, Helping with Soup 'n' Such,



     Our fellowship activities are our "fun" activities, but they serve a larger purpose than having a good time (although, having fun is an important part of the purpose).  These fun acitivities help the youth to bond with one another, forming trusting relationships, that they might be of greater support and care of one another.

     Examples: Rock Climbing, Snow Tubing, Laser Tag



     We are called upon to share with others a living relationship with our loving God through the church and through our words and actions.

     Examples: Jack Frost Parade, Inviting Others to Youth Group Activities




Youth Educational Opportunities

Youth educational opportunities can be found at the following links:

          Sunday School for Youth

          Confirmation Class

          Youth Communion Classes

          P.R.A.Y. Award Program

          Mind, Body, & Spirit - After School Club Program

          Vacation Bible School (VBS) - July 10-14, 2016



 Other youth opportunities through St. Paul's UCC include:

          Girl Scouts U.S.A.


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