~ ~ ~ Past Events in 2018 ~ ~ ~
First Sunday after Christmas
6th Day of Christmas
Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 10:25am
Details coming soon....
For more information about this worship service, please contact the Worship Committee Chairperson, Terry Pastor at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org."
Christmas Eve Worship Services
Monday, December 24, 2018 at 6:45pm & 11:00pm
Christmas Eve services will be held Monday, December 24th at 7:00pm, and 11:00pm. This year the handbells will be playing starting at 6:45. Please join us as we celebrate the birth of the Christ King with scripture and song. Communion will be served at both services. The first service is a family service, the second is a quieter service celebrate the Christ's birth and ending on Christmas morn.
For more information, please contact the Worship Committee Chairperson, Terry Pastor at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Children & Youth Christmas Program
Sunday, December 23, 2018 at 10:25am
It’s Almost Time!
St Paul’s Sunday School invites you to join us on Sunday, December 23rd, during the 10:25am worship Service to see our intergenerational performance of The Christmas Story: Jesus Christ is the Same- Yesterday, Today and Forever”.
Come and celebrate the Christmas Story as it happened over 2000 years ago and how it’s still the same today.
Annual Fall Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 16, 2018 at 11:45am
The Annual Fall Congregational Meeting will take place following the worship service. At this annual meeting we will be electing next year's lay leadership and voting on the "2019 Mission and Program of St. Paul's UCC" (i.e. the 2019 Budget). Copies of the "2019 Mission and Program" will be available for preview after worship on Sunday, December 9 or through the church office after December 9
Youth Group Christmas Party
Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 6:00pm
The church will provide pizza and snacks for the Christmas Party. There is no fee to participate.
Youth are invited to bring a Secret Santa Gift, valued at $10.00 or less. The youth group opted for this to be a silly, fun gift. (However, please also be sure that it is an appropriate and tasteful gift).
We will be playing games this evening. Youth are invited and encouraged to bring along a favorite board game to play with the group.
For more information about our youth group and a list of upcoming youth group activities, please click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page.
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Thursday, November 8 & 29, 2018 at 6:00pm
Thursday, December 13 at 6:00pm
Thursday, December 27 - CANCELLED
Our regular youth group meetings are on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm, and are intended for grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21).
During our monthly meetings we have time for fellowship, prayer, learning, fun, and the youth planning for their own upcoming activities, all with appropriate adult supervision (who are approved through our SafeConduct process).
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Baby Sitting
December 2018 - Postponed to February 2019
The youth group will be offering baby sitting for parents to go shopping or have a night out together this February 2019, which will also be a fund-raiser for the youth group, to help off-set youth group activitiy costs.
Dates and times have not yet been set for this activity.
When details are developed for this activity, we will list them here.
For more information about our youth group and a list of upcoming youth group activities, please click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page.
Poinsettia Orders
Due: Sunday, December 2, 2018
Poinsettia Orders, Please!
Please consider ordering a poinsettia to add to the beauty of our sanctuary at Christmas and to honor or remember a loved one.
Orders should be received by Sunday, December 2, 2018.
If you do not have time to send in your order, please call the church office (610-621-5770) or Denise Unger. Late orders during the week of Dec 2nd will be considered.Poinsettia Order Form
Deadline is Sunday, Dec. 2Please Print!
Name ____________________________________________
Phone # __________________________________________
Number of 6 1/2” Red Plants @ $9.50 desired ___________
Total amount of order $ ___________
Given to the Glory of God (indicate number of plants to be so dedicated) __________
Given in Honor of: ___________________________________
Given in Memory of: _________________________________
Make checks payable to “St. Paul's UCC” with a notation “Poinsettias” somewhere on the check. Place your order (with payment) in the basket on the table in the hallway. You may take your flowers home after worship on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24th (or on the following two Sundays: December 30 and January 6; or picking them up after December 24 during office hours). Call Denise Unger (610-589-4125) with any questions. Thank you.
To Order Poinsettias Online
Robesonia Blood Drive
Thursday, December 6, 2018 from 2:00-7:00pm
*April at St. Francis De Sales RCC, Robesonia
*June at St. Paul’s UCC, Robesonia
*September at St. Daniel’s ELCA
*December at Trinity ELCA, Robesonia
Light In A Darkened World
December 2018
Throughout the Season of Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas) we share in a different weekly theme of what the advent (anticipated coming) of Christ means for us and for our world.
Sunday, December 2 at 10:25am - Hope
In a world darkened by anxiety and fear, we find hope in Christ who overcomes for us all that creates darkness.
Sunday, December 9 at 10:25am - Peace
In a world torn by violence and conflict, we learn of a better path to peace through Christ who forgives, redeems, and unites us.
Sunday, December 16 at 10:25am - Joy
In a world of grief and loss, we are led to greater and deeper of times of joy through Christ who strengthens and encourages us.
Sunday, December 23 at 10:25am - Love
In a world with too much hate and division, we learn to love our neighbor as ourselves through Christ who loves us.
(This is also the date of our children's Christmas program).
Sunday, December 2 at 6:45pm & 11:00pm - Light
Even as a single candle can bring light to a room, all shadows in our world are dissipated by the light of Christ.
Community Thanksgiving Worship Service
Sunday, November 18, 2018 at 3:00pm
Our annual Community Thanksgiving Worship Service will be hosted by First Church (Calvary Bible Fellowship Church's Wernersville Campus) on Sunday, November 18 at 3:00pm.
Please note, there will not be a community worship service on Thanksgiving Eve itself this year.
Tentatively, St. Paul's UCC plans to host a community Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service next year on Wednesday, November 27, 2019.
For more information about our Thanksgiving Worship Services please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee.
Christmas Bazaar
Saturday November 17, 2018 from 9:00am until 1:00pm
The Miller Fellowship Hall of St. Paul's UCC will be bustling with the preparations for the Christmas season, as the Christmas bazaar kicks off the holidays. On Saturday, November 17, from 9:00am to 1:00pm we will be having food, a chance to win a raffle basket, and lots of interesting article to purchase.
There will be Homemade candy, soup, bar-b-q, chow chow, baked goods (including cookie trays).
A large amount of raffle baskets filled with all kinds of goodies, and Attic Treasures including Christmas items.
For more information, please contact Steve Miller or Georgianna Hildebrand, leadership of the Fund-raising Committee.
Join us on November 17th. See you there.
Jack Frost Parade - Float Building
Thursday, September 13, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
Brainstorming float ideas.
Thursday, September 27, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
Deciding on float theme and designing the float.
Saturday, September 29 at 6:00pm
Working on the float during a youth group lock-in.
Saturday, October 6 - CANCELLED
We have cancelled the lock-in for this day.
Thursday, October 11 at 6:00pm
We will be working on the parade float during our normally scheduled meeting.
Thursday, October 25 at 6:00pm
We will be working on the parade float during our normally scheduled meeting.
Sunday, October 28 from 9:15-10:15am
We will be working on the parade float during the Sunday school hour.
Monday, October 29 at 6:00pm
We will be having a special gathering to work on the parade float.
Thursday, November 1 at 5:30-7:00pm
We will have a special gathering on the first Thursday of November to work on the parade float.
This year's float is being designed and built by our Youth Fellowship Group. As such, you do need your clearances and related paperwork completed and submitted to Elsa Wertz or Denise Unger to help the youth in the building of the float
See the above dates and times for helping to build the float. Please wear clothing that can get messy (we will be working with paper mache, paint, ink, and glue).
Jack Frost Parade
Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 1:00pm - Loading the Float onto the Trailer
Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 2:00pm - Line up at Conrad Weiser Middle School
Sunday, November 4, 2018 from 3:00-5:00pm - Parade
Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 5:15pm - Unloading the Float at St. Paul's UCC
This year's float is being designed and built by our Youth Fellowship Group. See the above dates and times for helping to build the float.
For the annual Jack Frost Parade in Robesonia, youth and adults alike are invited to come dressed in a hero costume [super hero (Wonder Woman, Batman, Black Panther, etc); modern hero (police officer, nurse, EMT, marine, etc); a historical or legendary hero (Alexander Hamilton, Madame Curie, Ben Franklin, King Arthur, etc); or a Biblical hero (Moses, Joseph with his coat of many colors, Mary, the Apostle Paul, etc)]. You can also wear a St. Paul's UCC blue shirt, or just a plain medium blue shirt. We also have some Biblical hero costumes available from previous church plays that you may be able to borrow.
We expect to be loading the float onto the trailer at 1:00pm (at St. Paul's UCC), lining up for the parade at 2:00pm (at Conrad Weiser Middle School), and unloading the float from the trailer around 5:15pm (at St. Paul's UCC), returning it to the stage in Fellowship Hall. We will need to wait until the parade is over to be able to drive the float back to the church building.
Youth Bible Presentation
Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 10:25am - Tentative Date
During worship each year we present new students in 1st grade and up with their first Bible. Tentatively, we are planning for this on Sunday, November 11 this year. When we have a firm date, we will publish it here.
For more information, please contact Christian Education chairperson Elsa Wertz or vice chair Denise Unger.
All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 10:25am
Join us on this day for our annual rememberance and celebration of all the saints of the church, and a special rememberance of the members of St. Paul's UCC who passed away since last year's All Saints' Sunday.
About All Saints Day
November 1 is All Saints Day, which is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of November.
The custom of commemorating all of the martyrs of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. Our All Saints Day celebration commemorates not only all the martyrs but all the people of God, living and dead, who form the mystical body of Christ. Today we like many congregations remember our members who have died during the past year, and we celebrate their entrance into the Church Triumphant.
All Saints Sunday celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. With thanksgiving we remember all the faithful departed, especially those most dear to us who have died. Even in the midst of loss and grief God wipes away the tears from our eyes and makes all things new.
Fellowship Luncheon
Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 11:45am
Save the date - details to come soon.
For more information, please contact Georgianna Hildebrand (chairperson and Head Deacon) or Denise Unger (vice chair and Deacon).
Trick or Treating - Come for a Treat
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Stop by the front of the church building on Robesonia's Trick or Treat Night. We will post the date and times here once they are set by the borough. Tentatively we are expecting Trick or Treat Night to be on Wednesday, October 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (based on last year's schedule).
We are inviting members to donate candy in advance for us to hand out. With the bags of candy, we will be including a small flyer sharing with some of the ministries within our church that might be of interest to young trick or treaters. We are also looking for persons to help hand out the candy, decorate the front of the church for the evening, and help take down the decorations afterwards. If you would be interested in helping with any of that, please contact the Evangelism Committee leadership: Robin Henning (chair) or Geri Gammel (vice chair).
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 10:25am
More information coming soon....
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee, or any member of the Worship Committee.
Zoo Trip - Youth Group
October 2018 - Postponed
The previously planned October youth group trip to a zoo is being postponed to a yet-to-be-determined-date later this school year.
When details are developed for this activity, we will list them here.
For more information about our youth group and a list of upcoming youth group activities, please click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page.
Roast Beef Dinner
Saturday, October 27, 2018
More information coming soon....
For more information, please contact Fund-raising Committee chairperson Steve Miller or vice chair Georgianna Hildebrand.
Mind, Body, & Spirit (MB&S)
Tuesdays, October 2 - November 13, 2018 from 3:30-5:00pm
More information coming soon....
Click on this Mind, Body, & Spirit link for more general information about this after school ministry program.
For more information, please contact Christian Education chairperson Elsa Wertz or vice chair Denise Unger.
Exploring Faith Series
Begins: Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 9:15am
Pre-registration Date: Sunday, September 16
(Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required, walk-ins welcome)
This six week series begins on Sunday, September 30, 2018. Our classes will be from 9:15am - 10:15am, and will be held downstairs in the Miller Fellowship Hall.
During this series we will be learning about God, the Bible, the UCC denomination, discipleship, St. Paul's UCC, the sacraments, your questions, and more. This class is helpful for new members and those considering membership - without any pressure to join the church.
The series will be led by Pastor and will cover such topics as....
(1) Why and how do we as Christians use the Bible
(2) How and why we worship in the way that we do
(3) Prayer practices
(4) Baptism and Holy Communion
(5) Who is God and what is the Trinity
(6) History, structure, creeds, and statements of faith of the UCC
(7) Learning about the Spiritual Gifts God has given each of us
(8) The Mission & Vision of St. Paul’s UCC
(9) The new SafeConduct policies processes within St. Paul’s UCC
(10) and more....
This class also serves as our New Member Class. If you participate in this class, there is no obligation or pressure to join. This adult class is open to visitors, new members, long-time members, and everyone in between.
If you joined St. Paul’s UCC within the past year or two, and have not taken this class, you are especially encouraged to participate, as we want you to know your church well.
You are welcome to participate even if you cannot make all the classes. Even if you can only make a couple of the classes, we are happy to have you participate. There is no fee.
Please pre-register for the class by contacting the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770 or sign up in the narthex hallway (preferably by Sunday, September 16), so we can be sure to have enough materials for everyone for our first day of class. However, you need not pre-register, walk-ins will be very welcome.
For more information, contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org.
Community Prayer Service
Tuesday, October 30 at 7:00pm
A community prayer service will be on Tuesday, October 30 at 7:00pm to honor, remember, and pray for those killed or injured at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh this past Saturday.
The service will be held at the Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom and Kesher Zion Synagogue (the two congregations share the same building) at 555 Warwick Drive, Wyomissing.
The public is invited to this service. The service will be led by community rabbis. In addition, the Rev. Dr. Steve Ohnsman, pastor of Calvary UCC in Reading, is scheduled to be one of the speakers at this service. (If we hear about other planned speakers before the service, we will list them here, as well).
Harvest Home
Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 10:25am
Harvest Home will be celebrated on Sunday, October 21 during our 10:25am worship service. We will be collecting non perishable items for the Conrad Weiser Food Bank. Please be generous in your contributions. Items such as paper towels, toilet paper, peanut butter, canned goods, shampoo, and anything non perishable will be welcomed. The harvest has been good this year and we praise the Lord for all the goodness and blessings he has brought to us. Now it is time to share our blessings by giving to the food bank. Itmes will be collected until the end of the month.
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee.
Hainley-Unger Wedding
Saturday, October 14, 2018 at 3:30pm
Jason Hainley and Natalie Unger were wed on Sunday, October 14 at the Bear Mill Estate in Denver, PA. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Natalie Hainley! We are praying for God's blessings upon you, your family and friends, and your marriage.
Annual Leadership Stewardship Dinner
Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:30pm
For more information, please contact Georgianna Hildebrand (chairperson and Head Deacon) or Denise Unger (vice chair and Deacon).
Service of Healing
Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 10:25am
On Sunday, October 14 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing.
For those who may not have attended one of our healing services before, the following will give you an idea of what takes place. Please note that during this service you do not need to do anything special, you are very welcome to just sit and observe.
During the healing service portion of the worship service, for those who would like to participate in the healing service, there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle(s) for yourself or another(s); (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray nearer the altar at the chancel rail in the midst of a loving congregation; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil by the pastor and elder; (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew; and/or (5) a combination of any of those four. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Terry Pastor or the Pastor.
World Communion Sunday
Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 10:25am
Join with us, as we join with Christians throughout the world to share in our common unity with. Christ through the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the wine.
Communion will be served in the pews on this Sunday.
Versammling Dinner
Saturday, October 6, 2018
More information coming soon....
For more information, please contact Fund-raising Committee chairperson Steve Miller or vice chair Georgianna Hildebrand.
Youth Group Lock-In
Saturday, September 29 at 6:00pm - Sunday, September 30 at 12:00noon
The youth group will be having a lock-in on Saturday, September 29 to work on the Jack Frost Parade Float, as well as to have fun and fellowship together, followed by Sunday worship.
We will be working on the float Saturday evening, as well as having pizza, games, and movies. Sunday morning will begin with breakfast, followed by Sunday school at 9:15am and worship at 10:25am, refreshments at 11:45am, and dismissal at 12:00noon.
Youth should bring sleep wear and clothing for Sunday, sleeping bag (or blankets), pillow, and toiletries. Youth can also bring games, snacks, and appropriate DVD movies (the chaperones will have final say as to which movies we will be watching).
Please note: There is NO lock-in scheduled for Saturday, October 6. We will be working on the float at our next youth group meeting on Thursday, October 11 at 6:00pm.
Youth Fellowship Boating
Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 1:30-5:00pm
The youth group will be boating on Saturday, September 22 at Blue Marsh. We will be leaving the church parking lot at 1:30pm. From there we plan to go to the State Hill Parking Lot at Blue Marsh Lake. At 5:00pm we will load the boats back onto trailers/vehicles and then return to the church parking lot.
We will be using an assortment of boats, including canoe, kayak, and powered fishing boat. Life jackets will be provided (and/or you can bring your own, if you have one that you like the fit and feel).
Please wear clothing that can get wet (including your footwear). You are encouraged pack a complete change of clothing (including footwear and an extra sweatshirt), in case you get wet or end up in the lake. You are encouraged to wear suntan lotion, bring a water bottle, and bring a light snack (such as a granola bar, fruit, dried fruit, etc).
Please let us know at the Thursday, September 13 youth group meeting if you need transportation from the church parking lot to the lake and back again. Also, please let us know if you are able to provide transportation for others.
God & Family and God & Church
Religious Award for Grades 3-6 & 6-8
Sunday, September 16 at 10:25am
We will be presenting 4 youth with their God & Family National Religious Award and 2 youth with their God & Church National Religious Award during the 10:25am worship service on Sunday, September 16.
The Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.) is used as the religious award program for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, and others. The God & Family program includes Cub Scouts who are Webelos, and Girl Scouts who are Juniors. However, you do not need to be in scouting to participate in this award program, as it is a program of the Christian
church, not primarily a program of any particular scouting organization.
The are four levels to the P.R.A.Y. program based on grade. They are:
God and Me - Red - Grades 1-3
God and Family - Yellow - Grades 4-6
God and Church - Blue - Grades 6-8
God and Life - Green - Grades 9-12
Four Star Award - Awarded to youth who have completed all four age programs
Ketchup Sunday
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Following the 10:25am worship service on Sunday, September 16 we will have a light luncheon fellowship with hot dogs and ketchup.
During that time of fellowship, we will have a slide show on the big screen in fellowship hall of summer vacation photos submitted by members. We hope this will provide a time for people to catch up and share summer joys (and sorrows) with one another as we return to our regular schedule, following the end of our summer hours.
This annual event is also an opportunity to encourage members to remember to stay caught up on their regular weekly giving. If you have any unused envelopes in your annual envelope packet from January to August, you are invited to catch up on your giving, by putting something green (or a check) in your envelopes; and we will have something red for on top of your hot dog.
If you are unable to join us in worship in person that day, or just prefer online giving, you can click on this online giving, and make an electronic contribution to the "General Operating" fund or type "Ketchup" under "Other 1" or "Other 2." If you like, you can also follow the instructions on that web page to set up and account and recurring contributions, so you need not worry about catching-up with future offerings.
As always, you can also send a check by mail to "St. Paul's UCC," by simply mailing it to St. Paul's UCC; Attn: Ketchup; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551.
Thank you for your generous and regular support of your church. Without it, we would not exist or be able to share the wonderful mission outreach ministries, visitation ministries, Bible studies and Sunday school, worship services, funerals, weddings, baptisms, confirmations, and so much more. Thank you for your faithful, generous, and regular support!
Catching Up with Vacation Pictures
Sunday, September 9 & 16
As we come back together after our various summer vacations, we are hoping to share in a time of catching up with each other.
You are invited to e-mail the church office pictures from your summer vacation at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org, or give Terry prints to scan into the computer. If e-mailing, please send them in jpg format and under 5.0 MB in size. We will then compile all those pictures into a slide show.
We will then present the slide show on the big screen in the Fellowship Hall during the fellowship time after the 10:25am worship services on Sunday, September 9 and Sunday, September 16. We hope that this will be a fun way for us to catch up with each other after our various summer vacations and bring us closer together as a church family.
Whether you submit pictures or not, we hope that you will come, join in the refreshments, and catch up with your church family as we begin the new school year and resume our regular schedule.
The Salvation of DOCTOR WHO
Sundays, Sept 9 - Sept 30 at 9:15am
Our Middle School & High School Sunday school classes will be journeying across time and space, exploring faith and connecting Christ and culture through "The Salvation of Doctor Who" study series. During this class, they will be watching Doctor Who videos, reading scripture, engaging in prayer, and sharing in discussion.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, who will be teaching the class.
If you are an adult, who might potentially be interested in participating in a Doctor Who series for adults in the future, please contact Elsa Wertz (Christian Ed chairperson) or Denise Unger (Christian Ed vice chair) or e-mail the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org, as that might be a possibility. We have purchased the materials, so if there is enough interest, we can offer another round of this series for adults. When expressing interest, please let us know if a Sunday morning, a weekday evening, or other time of the week would work best for you.
Praying for the Church
Sunday, September 9 at 10:25am
As we come back together after our various summer activities and resume our regular Sunday school and worship services, the Worship Committee invites us to begin this year with prayer. On September 9, our worship service will have a special focus — prayer for us and for our church family. We hope that you will join us in prayer and worship.
For more information and/or to help in the planning, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee, at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Return to Fall/Winter/Spring Hours
Sunday, September 2, 2018
As of September 2, 2018 we will be returing to our regular hours. See you at 10:25am for morning worship. Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:15am.
Blessing of the Backpacks & Prayers for Teachers
Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 9:25am
All preschool, school age youth, and college and graduate students are welcome and invited to bring their school backpacks with them to worship on this Sunday for a "Blessing of the Backpacks," as we send students back to school with our prayers. Visitors, friends, members, and students of all ages are welcome to bring their backpacks and participate in the blessing.
During this worship service we will also have special prayers for students, school teachers, and Sunday school teachers as they begin the new school year.
Worship at Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 10:30am
We will be gathering for worship at Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA at Pavilion Tent #4 on the third Sunday of August at 10:30am.
Friends, family, visitors are all very welcome to participate. There is NO park admission fee. There is NO parking fee. You need only to pay for ride tickets (for whatever rides you may wish) and any food you may wish to purchase there.
Schedule at the Park
10:00am - begin to gather at Pavilion Tent #4
10:30am - worship at the pavilion
11:00am - rides and water park open
12:00noon - lunch at Pavilion Tent #4
8:00pm - water park closes
9:00pm - park closes
Worship in the Sanctuary of St. Paul's on August 19
For those who are unable to journey with us to Knoebels, we are planning to have a worship service in our sanctuary at 9:25am.
Welcome and Support Kids from our Youth Group and from Bethany Children's Home
We have invited youth from Bethany Children's Home to join us for worship, food, fellowship, and fun. They will be providing their own transportation and adult supervision. We will be providing each from Bethany with a $10 to $20 ticket packet (depending upon how much we are able to raise in dontations). As was the participation last year, we are tentatively expecting 50 persons from Bethany to join us.
In addition, this year we will also be providing $20 ticket packts to youth who have been participating in the Youth Group this past year. We are anticipating about 20 youth from our Youth Group. [For information purposes, we average about 10 teens/tweens at our bi-monthly meetings, with over 30 different youth having had participated this past school year]. Many of the kids who participate in the youth group are of families who come to our monthly Soup 'n' Such with limited financial resources in need, and we wish to make all the kids in our youth group feel equally welcome, wanted, and able to participate. Your generous support will enable them to have a joyful day in worship of their Lord and in fellowship with fellow disciples.
Tickets will be distributed to youth at 11:00am, following the worship service.
To contribute, please make your tax deductible donation payable to "St. Paul's UCC" marked "Knoebels Youth," and send it to "St. Paul's UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551." You can also make a secure online donation by clicking on this Send Bethany Kids to Knoebels -- Online Giving link, enter the amount of your gift in the "Special Mission 1" or "Special Mission 2" line, and type "Knoebels Youth" in the line next to the amount. Please give generously to enable these youth to join with us in worship and fellowship. [If your generosity exceeds the need, the remainder amount will go in our "St. Paul's UCC Bethany Children's Activity Fund" to be used to help youth from Bethany participate in future church events with St. Paul's - such as next year's trip to Knoebels].
We will also be sharing in a luncheon with the youth from Bethany at the pavilion. We will be providing the food, drinks, and paper supplies. For more information about how you can help with the luncheon, please contact any member of the Worship Committee [Terry Pastor (Chairperson)].
Previous Year's Photos
To view photos from previous year's click on the following links:
Knoebels 2016 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Facebook Photos
Next Year's Event
Save the Date - next year we will be going to Knoebels on Sunday, August 18, 2019.
Tie Dye Youth
Thursday, July 26, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
The Youth Group will tie dye t-shirts at their next meeting, Thursday, July 26, to wear to Knoebel’s Grove. We will write St Paul’s Youth Group on them. Please bring a white T-shirt to the July 26 meeting. Dye will be provided. Wear old clothes and meet inside at 6:00pm to get started.
For more information, please contact Christian Education Member, Beth Miller.
Welcome New Members
Sunday, July 1, 2018 at 9:25am
We will be celebrating in the Sacrament of Baptism and welcoming new members this Sunday. Come and give support and a warm welcome to our newest members.
God & Family
Religious Award for Grades 3-6
Sunday, June 24 at 9:25am
We will be presenting 9 youth with their God & Family National Religious Award during the 9:25am worship service on Sunday, June 24.
The Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.) is used as the religious award program for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, and others. The God & Family program includes Cub Scouts who are Webelos, and Girl Scouts who are Juniors. However, you do not need to be in scouting to participate in this award program, as it is a program of the Christian
church, not primarily a program of any particular scouting organization.
The are four levels to the P.R.A.Y. program based on grade. They are:
God and Me - Red - Grades 1-3
God and Family - Yellow - Grades 4-6
God and Church - Blue - Grades 6-8
God and Life - Green - Grades 9-12
Four Star Award - Awarded to youth who have completed all four age programs
Robesonia Community Blood Drive
Thursday, June 21 from 3:00-7:00pm
The Robesonia Community Blood Drive takes place once a quarter, and rotates among the following four churches. Our blood drive is done through the Miller-Keystone Blood Center.
For more information about our community blood drive, including how to schedule an appointment and/or help serve refreshments, please contact the Mission Committee of St. Paul's UC
The following are the upcoming dates and locations of the next drives:
Tuesday, April 24 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm
at St Francis de sales Catholic Church, Robesonia
Thursday, June 21 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Robesonia
Tuesday, September 25 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm
at St. Daniels’ Lutheran Church, Robesonia
Thursday, December 6 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church, Robesonia
Summer Schedule Begins
Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 9:25a
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee
First Communion - Trinity Sunday
Sunday, May 27, 2018 at 10:25am
On Trinity Sunday, our newly confirmed members will be celebrating in their first communion as full members.
As Trinity Sunday falls on the Memorial Day weekend this year, we will also be sharing in Memorial Day prayers this Sunday.
Memorial Remembrance Ceremony
Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 6:30pm
The Annual Memorial Remembrance Ceremony, hosted by the brothers of Patriotic Order Sons of America, Camp 113 will be held in the memorial park in Robesonia on Thursday, May 24 at 6:30pm. For more information click on this Memorial Remembrance Ceremony flyer link.
Celebration of the Rite of Confirmation
Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 10:25am
Come and worship with us this Sunday and celebrate in welcoming our newest confirmands into full membership of the church.
Confirmation is the rite of affirmation of baptism, where youth and young adults, who were baptized as infants or young children, stand before the congregation and affirm the vows for themselves, which someone else had made for them when they were younger. Confirmed youth and young adults affirm Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, express their desire to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, join the United Church of Christ, and become full voting members of the congregation.
Pentecost
Sunday, May 20, 2018 at 10:25am
Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church. It is the celebration of the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples following the Ascension of Christ.
This year we will also be celebrating in the confirmation of our newest teenage members on this date, welcoming them into full membership and discipleship.
Celebrating the Ascension
Sunday, May 13 at 10:25am
We will be celebrating the Ascension of Christ on the 7th Sunday of Easter. During worship, we will be extinguishing the Paschal Candle. After this celebration, we will only be lighting the Paschal Candle for baptism and funeral/memorial services.
The actual Ascension Day is 40 days following Easter - therefore always on a Thursday. This year Ascension Day is Thursday, May 10.
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee.
Glow Bowling
Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 3:00pm
More information coming soon....
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz or Denise Unger of the Christian Education Committee.
Healing Service
Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 10:25am
On Sunday, April 22 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing.
For those who may have attended one of our healing services before, the following will give you an idea of what takes place. Please note that during this service you do not need to do anything special, you are very welcome to just sit and observe.
During the healing service portion of the worship service, for those who would like to participate in the healing service, there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle(s) for yourself or another(s); (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray nearer the altar at the chancel rail in the midst of a loving congregation; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil by the pastor and elder; (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew; and/or (5) a combination of any of those four. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Terry Pastor or the Pastor.
Welcome New Members
Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 10:25am
We will be celebrating in the Sacrament of Baptism and welcoming new members this Sunday. Come and give support and a warm welcome to our newest members.
Seeking Asylum
Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 10:25am
We will be having a guest speaker from Nigeria on Sunday, April 15 during our 10:25am worship service. He wil be sharing his experience of seeking asylum in the USA. Following worship we will be having a free light luncheon.
The Boko Haram is a terrorist group that pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group (ISIS) in March 2015. Their goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate in West Africa. Mostly focused in north-eastern Nigeria, the conflict has reportedly left around 20,000 dead and displaced at least two million.
One of the more horrifying acts of the Boko Haram is to kidnap girls from schools, rape and sexually abuse them, and force them into marriages with terrorists. The most recent being 110 girls kidnaped from their school in February 2018.
Loosely translated, the name Boko Haram means “Western education is fake and forbidden.” Christianity and Western influence is considered a sin, to which they respond with brutal violence and murder.
During our 10:25am worship service on Sunday, April 15 you are invited to come and hear the first hand story of a persecuted Nigerian family who came to America seeking asylum from the violence of this terrorist group, who are now residing in Berks County, and to extend to them a warm welcome into our community. You are also invited for a free light luncheon afterward for fellowship and informal conversation.
For more information about the worship service, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee. To help with the luncheon, please contact Steve Miller or Georgianna Hildebrand, chair and vice chair of the Fellowship Committee.
Youth Fellowship Group Meeting
March 22, 2018 at 6:00-9:00pm - Laser Tag
April 12 & 26, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
May 10 & 31, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
Our Youth Fellowship Group Ministry meets on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm (following Soup 'n' Such)
For more information click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our dedicated youth group page on this site. For more information, you can also contact the leadership of our Christian Education Committee.
Youth Group Lock-In
Friday, April 13 at 6:00pm to Saturday, April 14 at 9:00am
The Youth Group Lock-In (sleepover at the church building) will begin on Friday, April 13, 2018 at 6:00pm. We will be making pizza for dinner, watching movies, and raising funds to help support the Animal Rescue League. The Lock-In will conclude after breakfast on Saturday, April 14 at 9:00am.
The youth will be doing YouTube Challenges on Friday, April 13 at 7:15pm to help raise funds for the Animal Rescue League. You can watch this live on our church's YouTube channel, by clicking on this St. Paul's UCC YouTube Channel link.
The YouTube Challenges ended at 8:15pm. Thank you to all who tuned in, and thank you for your support. You can still watch the recorded videos on St. Paul's UCC YouTube Channel.
To make a donation to help support their efforts, click on this online giving link; and type the amount of your donation in the "Special Mission 1" or "Special Mission 2" giving line, and specify "Animal Rescue League" or "ARL." You can also make a contribution by mailing a donation to the church or by placing it in the Sunday morning offering plate. Make your contribution payable to "St. Paul's UCC" and designate it for the "Animal Rescue League" or simply "ARL."
Youth interested in participating in the lock-in should sign up by Thursday, April 12 at the Youth Group Meeting, or contact the church office before 4:00pm on Thursday, April 12. We need an advance head count in order to purchase sufficient food ahead of time for dinner, snacks, and breakfast.
We will have both male and female adult chaperones for this event.
Please bring blankets & pillow (and/or sleeping bag); sleeping pad (optional); toiletries (toothbrush/paste, etc); sleep wear (such as sweats/shorts/t-shirt); DVD/blu-ray movies (PG-13 or lower) that you would like the group to consider viewing (optional); and games (optional).
Holy Humor Sunday
Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 10:25am
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday.
We will be having a "Medieval Theme" this year. We will have extra cartoons in the bulletin, jester jokes during worship, physical knight quest games during the worship service, and as always a children's sermon. You are invited to come dressed as a knight, princess, queen, king, jester, friar, archer, dragon, fairy, dwarf, hobbit, or other historical or mythical medieval character. You can also come dressed in mix-matched clothing as a jester, or just come dressed casually. We are inviting youth to design the bulletin covers; entry forms are available through the church office. If you would like to have with decorating the sanctuary, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
You can view pictures from previous years by clicking on the following links:
2017 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Game On!" (Pictures coming soon)
2016 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Come Fishing"
2015 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: “From Zeroes to Heroes”
2014 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "A Childlike vs A Childish Faith"
Easter Sunday
Please note: This workshop is a repeat of the one offered earlier this year on Tuesday, January 31, to give those who were not able to attend that workshop another opportunity to participate.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 6:30pm
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
On Thursday, March 29 at 6:30pm, we will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall at table with one another. We will have a free light meal and communion. Then we will process to the sanctuary for Tenebrae - the service of shadows - where we will pray, hear the last words of Christ, and strip the altar in preparation of his crucifixion, as the sanctuary slowly becomes shrouded in darkness.
We hope you will join us for this meaningfully spiritual service.
The meal is provided by the church; there is no charge for the meal, and there is no need to bring any food along with you. As always, visitors, friends, and members are all equally welcome.
(Please note, with having Tenebrae included in our Maundy Thursday worship service, we will not be having a separate Good Friday worship service. There will also not be a separate Soup 'n' Such meal on this Thursday).
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 10:25am
The Sunday before Easter is "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday." Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Passion Sunday commemerates the beginning of Holy Week. We will have our traditional "Blessing of the Palms" this Sunday, and we will have enough palms for everyone to be able to take a blessed palm branch home with them.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 11:45am
More information coming soon.....
For more information, please contact the Christian Education Committee: Elsa Wertz or Denise Unger or the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Burning the Holy Donut
Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 6:00pm
It is time to say, "Good Bye," to the Holy Donut, our 2017 Jack Frost Parade float created out of paper mache by our Youth Fellowship Group. We will be bidding a fond farewell to this float by setting it on fire at a special youth group meeting.
Due to the snow we postponed the burning from February 18 to March 25.
We will meet at the church to load the float on a trailer and transport it to an appropriately supervised back yard.
On a separate wood fire we will be roasting marshmallows for making S'mores.
However, the Holy Donut will live on, on the internet. To view pictures and video from the parade and creation process, click on this Holy Donut link.
Ham & Dandelion Dinner
Saturday, March 24, 2018 from 11:00am-2:00pm
The Bone in Ham and Dandelion Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, March 24 from 11:00am until 2:00pm. The meal is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 6-12 years of age.
A candy sale will take place at the same time or until the candy is sold.
The proceeds of these events will be used to support the missions and ministries of St. Paul's UCC. To purchase a ticket online, click on this Online Payment link, type in the amount in "Fund-Raiser", type "Ham & Dandelion Dinner" in description (or just type "H&D"), print out your receipt, and bring your receipt with you. Please note, because of the need to buy perishable food, there are no refunds for online payments purchased in advance.
For more information about the dinner, please contact the Men's Group; for more information about the candy sale, please contact the Women's Group; or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Laser Tag
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 6:00pm
Register by Thursday, March 8
We will be playing two games of laser tag at Laser Quest in Wyomissing on Thursday, March 22. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm to drive to Laser Quest. Or you can meet us at Laser Quest. We are scheduled to meet there at 6:30pm, and be geared up by 6:45pm.
We will play two games, and then eat pizza in their party room. The second game will be over at 8:00pm. If you would like to pick up your child at Laser Quest, please arrive there at 8:15pm. If you are picking up from the church parking lot, we expect to be back to the church building around 8:50pm.
The cost is $10 per player for two games. (The regular cost is $9 per game per player). We have reserved the party room, and the church will be providing pizza for everyone. You do not need to be a member to participate -- visitors, friends, adult chaperones are all welcome to participate.
Please preregister by Thursday, March 8 so that we can give Laser Quest an accurate head count for how many spots to reserve (so everyone gets to play together) and so that we can order enough pizza.
If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Ben at PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
Click on this Youth Fellowship Ministries link for more information about our Youth Group.
Easter Flowers
Orders Due: Sunday, March 18, 2018
More information coming soon....
Click on this 2018 Easter Order Form link to download an order form.
To pay for your Easter Flowers using cash or check, simply follow the instructions on the form. To pay for your order online, click on this Online Payment link, insert your payment amount in the "Other 1" or "Other 2" line, and type "Easter Flowers" in the description.
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chairperson of the Worship Committee.
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Throughout the month of March we are encouraging the support of our Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS). Our annual offering envelope and information flyer for LTS can be found in the March newsletter and the Sunday, March 18 bulletin. You can learn more, by clicking on this LTS Annual Promotional Flyer link, by going to the LTS Website, or by contacting a member of St. Paul's Mission Committee.
To make an online contribution, click on this Online Contribution link, insert your dontation amount in the "Mission 1" or "Mission 2" line, and type "LTS" in the description.
Wednesday Evenings in Lent
Small Group Study
Begins: Wednesday, February 21 at 6:30pm
This year for our annual Wednesday evening gatherings in Lent we will be sharing in a small group study. The studies will take place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm throughout the Lenten season beginning on Wednesday, February 21 and continuing through March 21.
Due to snow cancellations on March 7 & 21, we have extended this study to include Wednesday, March 28 as a "snow make up day" to discuss Session #4 and Chapter #4 from our study book.
Our text is The Big Book on Small Groups by Jeffrey Arnold. An advantage of this study is that it provides both a very short condensed guide (for those who prefer not to read much), with additional readings (for those who would like more to read and more indepth extensive information). You do not need to make all five gatherings in order to participate.
Each week we will focus on a different Biblical text, including Acts 2:42-47; Mark 10:35-45; Psalm 1; and John 4:4-38.
This study will especially focuses on how churches can develop supportive groups where members feel more supportive by one another and know how they can better be of support to one another.
Preregistration is not required. However, we are encouraging people to sign up using the sign up sheet in the hallway or by e-mailing the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org, so that we can have sufficient materials on hand for our first gathering. Visitors are very much welcome to participate. There is no fee or need to purchase books or study materials. For more information about the study, please contact Pastor Ben.
In addition, we will be having videos on the big screen in Miller Fellowship Hall for children and youth to watch, with a faith based and/or inspirational theme. We are looking for supervision assistance for that hour. If you would like to help provide supervision for the youth and/or if you have suggestions for possible videos, please contact Terry Pastor, Chair of the Worship Committee.
Wednesday Afternoons in Lent
Community Mid-Week Lenten Weekly Worship & Luncheons
Begins: Wednesday, February 21 at 12:00noon
Annually the churches in the Conrad Weiser Ministerium share in Wednesday afternoon worship services followed by lunch. The worship service begins at 12:00noon.
This year our theme is "Lenten Symbols." We will be growing deeper in our understanding about the meaning of some of the Christian Lenten symbols. Below you can see the schedule for host church, preacher, and symbol.
This year's Wednesday afternoon offerings will go to support our Western Berks Shepherding Ministries.
For more information, contact Terry Pastor, Chair of the Worship Committee at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Wednesday, February 21 at 12:00noon
St. John’s (Hain’s) UCC, Wernersville
The Rev. Julie Osterhout - Sand
Wednesday, February 28 at 12:00noon
St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
Father Ed Essig - Shell
Wednesday, March 7 at 12:00noon
CANCELLED - Due to Snow
St. Francis de Salles Roman Catholic Church, Robesonia
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz - Rock
Wednesday, March 14 at 12:00noon
Trinity ELCA, Robesonia
The Rev. Ann Bolyk - Candle
Wednesday, March 21 at 12:00noon
CANCELLED - Due to Snow
Trinity ELCA, Wernersville
Vicar Kayla Edmonds - Human Figure
Scout Sunday
Combined Boy Scout and Girl Scout Sunday
Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 10:25am
Rather than having a separate Boy Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sunday, we will be having one combined “Scout Sunday” this year.
All those involved in Girl Scouts U.S.A., Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Venture Scouts, and other scouting groups - both as youth and adults - are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration. To receive the 2018 Boy Scout or Girl Scout Sunday patch, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by Sunday, February 11, and indicate whether you would like the Boy Scout or Girl Scout Sunday patch.
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, chair of the Worship Committee.
Link to Pictures from Previous Scout Sundays
Boy Scout & Girl Scout Sunday 2015
Burning of the Palms
Thursday, February 8 at 6:00pm
We will be having the annual burning of the palms outside on Thursday, February 8 during the 6:00pm youth group meeting, weather permitting. Pastor Ben will be teaching the teens and tweens why we use ash from palm branches on Ash Wednesday, as well as the process of creating the Ash Wednesday ashes.
If you have palms you would like to donate, you can bring them to the church office on Sunday, February 4 (or bring them anytime between now and Soup ‘n’ Such on February 8).
For information, please contact Terry Pastor, Chair of the Worship Committee, or Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 oroffice@sprucc.org orPastorMotz@sprucc.org.
Transfiguration Sunday & Healing Service
Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 10:25am
On Sunday, February 11th during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing.
For those who may have attended one of our healing services before, what takes place is.... During the healing service portion of the worship service, for those who would like to participate in the healing service, there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle(s) for yourself or another(s); (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray nearer the altar at the chancel rail in the midst of a loving congregation; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil by the pastor and elder; (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew; and/or (5) a combination of any of those four. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Terry Pastor or the Pastor.
Greeter & Usher Training
Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 11:45am
Usher greeter training will be held immediately after the service on Febraury 11th. I will last about 45 minutes.
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, Worship Committee Chairperson.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 6:30pm
Our Ash Wednesday worship service will be on Wednesday, February 14 at 6:30pm. We will be offering the imposition of ashes, as well as offering communion in the pews. Worshipers will have the option of receiving ashes on their foreheads, the back of their hands, or not at all - whichever you prefer. Click on this "Why Ashes on Ash Wednesday" link to learn more about the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The season of Lent includes the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen,” referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate the longer days of spring and the new life granted through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter -- moving from darkness to light.
Mind, Body, & Spirit (MB&S)
Tuesdays, February 6 - March 13, 2018 from 3:30-5:00pm
More information coming soon....
For this February's information and registration flyer, click on this MB&S February 2018 Flyer link.
Click on this MB&S link for an overview of this outreach ministry.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, chair of the Christian Education Committee.
First Communion & Renewed Communion Classes
Sunday, January 28 at 9:15am
Some parents prefer to wait until after their child has completed the confirmation program prior to their child communing, and some parents prefer their child begin communing prior to confirmation. Both options are available here at St. Paul's UCC.
For those children, teens, and young adults who are interested in partaking of the sacrament of Holy Communion, but who have not yet completed the confirmation program, first communion classes will be offered in the church sanctuary during the Sunday school hour on January 28 at 9:15am.
Youth participating in the sacrament should renew taking this class every even school year, as they grow in understanding and practice of their Christian faith (i.e. grades 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, college sophomore, college senior, etc) until completing the confirmation program.
If you are unsure whether participating in communion is right for your child at this time, please note that youth do not need to commune after taking the class. You can come to the class, learn more, and then decide afterwards. As of December 2015, youth need to either complete this class or the confirmation program to participate in communion.
For more details about children and communion, you can click on this “Children and Communion” booklet link, pickup a copy from the blue visitor's table in the second floor hallway, or request a pdf copy by e-mailing the church office at office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Wednesday, January 24 from 6:00-8:00pm
As part of our “2020 Vision - Six Year Growth Plan,” we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission and living out the Great Commandment.
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach on Wednesday, January 24 from 6:00-8:00pm. This free workshop is open to members and visitors alike. Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can have enough materials photocopied in advance. To register, please use the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact the church office at Office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770 by Sunday, January 21.
As part of the Six Year Growth Plan, all Consistory members and Standing Committee Chairpersons who did not attend this refresher last year, should attend this workshop this year, as well as other leaders and staff. If you are a leader who cannot attend on this date, please be in contact with Pastor Ben, as there may be the possibility of scheduling a second opportunity.
Called To Care
Overview - Wednesday, January 3 at 7:30pm
Session 1 of 7: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 from 7:00-9:00pm
Session 2 of 7: Tuesday, January 23 from 7:00-9:00pm
Session 3 & 6 of 7: Tuesday, January 30 from 7:00-9:00pm
Session 7 of 7: Tuesday, February 6 from 7:00-9:00pm
“Called To Care” is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. There are seven training sessions in this program. Our first training session will be on Tuesday, January 9 from 7:00-9:00pm in the Upper Room (the upstairs conference room).
On Wednesday, January 3 there will be an "overview" session which will go over the new changes to the caregiving structure and process that we will be using here at St. Paul's UCC. This meeting is for all current elders (both those who are on Consistory and those who are not) and for all persons on the Visitation Care Team Ministry. These changes are based on the C2C training we began in 2017.
If you are interested in participating in our visitation ministry, you are invited and encouraged to come to as many of these training sessions as you can, even if you cannot attend all seven. In addition to this training, you will need to complete the SafeConduct process paperwork and approval (which includes background checks) before you can begin participating in St. Paul's visitation ministry.
There is no fee to participate.
Pre-registration is not needed but encouraged. To help us make sure we have enough materials prepared please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by January 7 or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
Pastor Ben will be leading this training, and he is opening this training up to members of other churches in our area.
For more detailed information, click on this last year's Called To Care article link, see the article in the May and June 2017 issue of The Herald, come to the overview meeting, and/or contact Pastor Ben Motz at PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.orgor 610-621-5770.
Souper Bowl of Caring - Eagles Fans Win
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Thank you to all who brought cans of soup and other non-perishable food items to support the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Thank you to our Youth Fellowship Group for organizing this effort, encouraging our support, and decorating the donation containers.
The results are in. The Eagles fans donated 72 cans and the Patriots fans donated 30 cans for a total of 102 cans. The real winners are our community, the people who are served by the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. Thank you for your support! "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat," Matthew 25:35.
To learn more about this ministry Souper Bowl of Caring ministry effort, click on this Souper Bowl of Caring - Requesting Support article.
SOUPer Bowl Luncheon
Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 11:45am
February 5 is SOUPerbowl Sunday! Immediately following worship, we will be having a soup luncheon in Miller Fellowship Hall. Please make your favorite soup, put it in a crock pot with a label (your name and kind of soup), and place it in the kitchen area. After the worship service we will all enjoy the variety of soups prepared along with any donations of bread, crackers, drinks, and desserts.
This is a free meal. Visitors, members, friends, and neighbors are all invited. Whether you are able to bring soup or other food to share with others or not, you are very much invited.
You will have plenty of time to enjoy this meal and see the actual football Super Bowl! (The snow date will be Sunday, February 11).
As the Apostle Luke records in Acts 2:42, "They [those who welcomed the message of Christ] devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." We also come together to be in study of the apostles' teaching during Sunday school, and then in prayer and thanksgiving worship to God for the Good News of Christ, and then in fellowship with one another, which strengthens the bonds that better enable us to serve Christ more fully as his disciples.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Sunday, February 4, 2018
In response to Christ's call to feed those who hunger, our Youth Fellowship Group are seeking donations of soup cans this year to help support the ministry of the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. Between now and Super Bowl Sunday (February 4), please drop off cans of soup at St. Paul's UCC. Those soup cans will be donated to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry to help feed those in need in our school district.
The Youth Group has also set this up as a competition between Eagle fans and Patriot fans. There are two containers: one labeled "Eagles"; and the other labeled "Patriots". You are invited to put your soup cans in the container of the team for whom you are rooting.
You are also welcome and invited to make monetary donations to the food pantry, simply make your donation payable to "St. Paul's UCC" marked "Souper Bowl of Caring" or "Food Pantry" and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. You can also make a donation on line by clicking on this Online Giving link, select "Special Mission" and type "Souper Bowl of Caring." If you would like to designate it for the fan competition, simply state "Eagles" or "Patriots" in your description, as well. All of your donation will be forwarded by the church treasurer to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry to help feed the hungry in our community.
As we hear in Matthew 25:35, "for I was hungry and you gave me food," this is one way in which the youth are leading us to respond to Jesus' call to discipleship and loving service to others.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national youth movement of youth groups throughout the country seeking to feed the hungry in their local communities. After February 4, youth groups throughout the country will submit their tallies of soup cans and monetary donations made to their local food pantries; and that figure will be reported to our youth (and to the congregation), so that they can see the difference that a nation of Christian teens can make through their discipleship.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, chairperson of the Christian Education Committee.
Ordination and Installation of New Leadership
Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 10:25am
We will be celebrating in the ordination of at least two new Deacons and the installation of our new Consistory, chairpersons, and other elected leadership this Sunday. We hope that you will come and celebrate in this day with them and show them your support and thankfulness for their leadership.
Following worship, we will have a potluck luncheon that we might be in celebration and fellowship with one another. For more information about the luncheon, please contact any member of the Fellowship Committee.
Please note: we plan to have a group photo of our 2018 leadership team following the worship service.
Snow Tubing
Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 3:00pm
Early Bird Discount: Thursday, January 11
Please RSVP by Sunday, January 14
The Youth Group is planning a snow tubing trip for Sunday, January 21, 2018 at Blue Mountain Ski Resort. We will be meeting in the church parking lot at 3:00pm to travel by car pool to Blue Mountain, which is about an hour and a half away. Snow Tubing will be from 5:00-8:00pm. We plan to return to Robesonia around 10:00pm. The cost is $25 per person for a 3 hour ticket. If you sign up in advance by Thursday, January 11 (at our regularly scheduled youth group meeting), the cost is $20 per person (thanks to donations received to help reduce the cost).
Remember to dress in layers; wear a knit cap, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, and coat; and bring a bottle of water and snacks.
Please RSVP by Sunday, January 14, so we can give a head count and finalize reservations with Blue Mountain, and so we know to look for you to car pool.
Click on this Blue Mountain Permission Slip Form link to fill out the permission slip in advance.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz or any member of the Christian Education Committee.
Questins About EFT
Sunday, January 7, 14, & 21 at 11:45am
Do you have questions about Elecrtronic Fund Transfer (EFT)? Following the first three worship services of the new year, our Financial Secretary, Terry Pastor, will have a table set up in Fellowship Hall during the after worship refreshment time to answer your questions about EFT, and help interested people fill out the registration forms.
We began offering EFT options for persons to donate to St. Paul's UCC using a checking account, savings account, MasterCard, Visa, and/or Discover Card.
Youth Fellowship Group Meeting
January 11 & 25, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
February 8 & 22, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
March 8, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
April 12 & 26, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
May 10 & 31, 2018 from 6:00-7:00pm
Our Youth Fellowship Group Ministry meets on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm (following Soup 'n' Such).
For more information click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our dedicated youth group page on this site. For more information, you can also contact the leadership of our Christian Education Committee.
Baptism of Christ Sunday
Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 10:25am
The Sunday after Epiphany (the Sunday after January 6) is the celebration of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, and a day in which we especially remember and celebrate in our shared baptism with Christ.
Decorating for Epiphany
Before the Baptism of Christ Sunday, the Decorating Committee will be taking down the Christmas decorations in preparation of the Epiphany Season.
Traditionally, after the wise men followed the Bethlehem Star and visited the Christ child (on January 6, the day of Epiphany), the Christmas decorations come down, so the lights which heralded the arrival of the new king, do not lead King Herod to the child, as Herod was seeking to kill our new born king.
For information about how you can help with the taking down of the Christmas decorations, please contact Liz Brunner, Decorating Committee chairperson or Terry Pastor, Worship Committee chairperson.
I Don't Know What You're Talking About
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 6:00pm
On Tuesday, January 9 from 6:00-6:45pm Pastor Ben is offering a Communications Workshop. This workshop is designed to: (1) help provide you with guidance to help make sure your articles are providing the congregation with the information they need to know what you are talking about and what your activity is all about; (2) go over the format needed to submit articles to the office secretary; and (3) to make sure your articles, posters, and flyers fit the necessary guidelines to be used within St. Paul's UCC.
Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner
New Year's Day - Monday, January 1, 2018
Food Served from 11:00am-2:00pm
Volunteers Needed from 9:00am-4:00pm
The annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner is a Pennsylvania German Tradition here at St. Paul's UCC.
Dinner will be served from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Dinner includes: pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, roll, apple sauce, dessert, and beverage. The cost is $10.00 per perosn; $4.00 per child ages 6-12 years old; 5 years and younger are free.
Invite your friends, family, neighbors, classmates, and co-workers. Proceeds from this event are used to support the various ministries of St. Paul's UCC, as it serves our community and the world. Through sharing in a common meal of great food is also a good way for us to be in fellowship with one another in our community.
Come onct and eat yourself full!!
Volunteers are need beginning at 9:00am. We expect to be finished with clean up well before 4:00pm. For more information, please contact any member of the Men's Fellowship Group, who are sponsoring this event.