Past News Articles
In the event that you missed the information about a previous event at St. Paul's UCC that you had wanted to know, you might be able to find it here. The following events are listed in order of the most recent at the top of the page and the oldest articles at the bottom of the page.
~ Past Events in 2020 ~
Three Advent & Christmas Gifts
December 6, 24, & 25, 2020
Members will find three special envelopes in your offering envelope packet for you to use in December 2020. The following describes each of those three, followed by how to contribute.
Special Advent Envelope
Western Berks Ambulance
All donations to the Advent envelope will be sent on to Western Berks Ambulance Association this year to support their efforts in our community, for us to give support to first responders and help our community during this pandemic. “Jesus of Nazareth....he went about doing good and healing all” (Acts 10:38).
Christmas Eve
Supporting Virtual Connections
Funds received from the “Christmas Eve Special Envelope” will go to help fund the technology use of our church. During this pandemic, we all have more fully recognized the needed use of technology to share the Good News, share in worship, teach, virtually meet, communicate well, receive online offerings, and share our church with our community. To enable all of this to work we use some free resources, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. We also need to purchase equipment and utilize subscription services, including: our website, an FCC compliant mass email system, internet, Zoom, Wired Word, Phone Stream, restreamer, and of course the basic phone and electric bills. Much of the equipment for the Live Stream was donated by those supporting Steven’s Eagle Project (thank you for those donations), thank you for the donation of a new computer for Geri’s office, and we are thankful for the donations that have been made during the pandemic to continually update and upgrade our technology.
Christmas Envelope
A Gift for Church Ministries in a Difficult Year
2020 has been a difficult and challenging year for so many in many different ways. One of those ways has been financial. Some of you have thankfully weathered the financial impact well, and our prayers go out to all those who have lost jobs or lost income.
The church has been financially hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Without having in-person worship for most of the year, our offerings have expectedly dropped significantly. Thank you to all who have been using online giving and/or mailing in donations. Your support is greatly appreaciated!
In addition, as most of our past fund-raisers have involved food and gatherings of people, we have not been able to have our usual fund-raisers in our usual ways, resulting in a decrease in income.
We hope that you will use the special “Christmas Envelope” to offer a special end-of-the-year Christmas donation to your church, to help support and further the ministries of your church, particularly in the midst of this pandemic. Your generous Christmas donation will help greatly during this time. Thank you for your generous and faithful support.
How To Contribute
You can mail these envelopes to the church office at St. Paul’s UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551; or you can drop them in the mail slot at the church building (or in the plate on Christmas Eve if attending that worship service); or you can or you can contribute using the online contributions link on our website (using the “Special Missions” or “Other” line). Simply designate them “Advent Envelope,” “Christmas Eve Envelope,” or “Christmas Envelope” respectively.
If you do not receive an annual St. Paul's UCC offering packet or did receive it but misplaced it, and would like to mail a contribution, simply put the designation of your gift on the memo line of your check. The safest and simplest way to contribute to all or any of these three is to simply use the online giving option.
The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)
December 2020
Annually UCC churches across the country receive a special offering for "The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)." These funds are collected for retired pastors and widows/widowers of pastors who are now in financial need. You can learn more about this fund on our UCC Missions page by clicking on this The Christmas Fund link.
A special envelope was included in the December newsletter, with an article about this offering. You can also securely donate online by clicking on this Online Giving link, and simply designate your gift as "Christmas Fund" on the "Special Mission" line.
First Sunday after Christmas
3rd Day of Christmas
Sunday, December 27, 2020 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
We hope you will join us in the live stream this Sunday to celebrate the birth of Christ, and to prayerfully end the calendar year, on this the last Sunday of 2020.
We plan to include the virtual choir with a special Christmas song this Sunday.
Due to the way in which we are doing this worship service we will NOT be having the Zoom option this Sunday, or any of the upcoming worship services, until Sunday, January 24 (when we again plan to resume using Zoom).
For more information about our Christmas season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Sunday School
Youth and Adult Sunday School Classes are CANCELLED for December 27, 2020 and January 3, 2021. Click on the following links to check out our Online Children & Youth Sunday School Resources and our Online Adult Study Resources to engage in God's word at home.
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Early Worship Service - 4:30pm - Online ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
Midnight Worship Service - 11:30pm - Online ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
Early Christmas Eve - Virtual ONLY
The 4:30pm Christmas Eve worship service will be virtual only. You can participate via Live Stream, Phone Stream, and Zoom: Meeting ID: 831 1671 7541; Passcode: 301301. Both the live stream and phone stream can be used live or for a playback; whereas the Zoom can only be used live.
If you are joining by Zoom, please note that the above Christmas Eve "Meeting ID" number is different than our usual Sunday morning log in number.
We will be sharing in communion as a part of this worship service. We delivered pre-filled consecrated communion cups to over 100 households for Christmas Eve. You are invited to have that cup with you for the live stream service. If you did not receive a cup, or did not receive enough cups for your household, you are invited to have your own bread and wine or grape juice for the live stream worship service, when the pastor will be offering the blessing of consecration and inviting all of us to share in the consuming the elements at the same time together. If you do not eat/drink all of the consecrated elements, they should be disposed of reverently: the bread scattered to feed the birds, and the wine/juice poured into the ground to be buried (once a part of the communion service, they should not be dumped of in the trash or poured down the sink).
We invite you to have a candle for the worship service, especially for sharing the light of Christ during Silent Night.
Best Laid Plans are Not to Be This Year
Originally the 4:30pm Christmas Eve worship service was going to be held outdoors in the parking lot in order for people to participate more safely in person, as well as live streamed. However, the forecasted weather for Thursday, December 24 is a heavy down pour of rain all day with a flood advisory. Therefore the outdoor in-person plan has been cancelled; however we will still have all three virtual optons. As the current COVID-19 safety restrictions is no more than 10 people for an indoor gathering, for the safety of all, there will be NO in-person option this Thursday. (All indoor, in-person worship services at St. Paul's UCC have been cancelled until further notice; we are doing virtual only).
We originally chose the 4:30pm time, because: (1) there will be some light to drive to the building; (2) it will be late enough that it will be dark for the candlelight part of the service; (3) by being a little earlier, it will hopefully not be quite as cold for an outdoor worship service; (4) by being a little earlier, after worship you can enjoy the night with your household without the need to venture out; and (5) it enables everyone to watch the worship service on the live stream anytime after 4:30pm, for a time that works well for them.
Midnight Christmas Eve - Virtual Only
The 11:30pm Christmas Eve worship service will be virtual only via Live Stream & Phone Stream.
The worship service will be broadcast from Pastor Ben’s barn, as perhaps a fitting place to celebrate the birth of the Christ child.
If you used your pre-filled communion cup for the 4:30pm worship service, or if you did not have that delivered to you, you are invited to have bread and wine/grape-juice on hand for the communion blessing during that worship service. (Please see the above 4:30pm Christmas Eve article for additional details about communion).
We will have candlelighting and "Silent Night" as a part of our midnight worship service.
For more information about our Christmas Eve worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Candlelight Selfie
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24, 2020
To Be Shown: Sunday, January 3, 2021
Since we cannot all join together for the candlelight service on Christmas Eve, we would like to try bringing us together through candlelight photos. On Christmas Eve (or sometime between now and December 27) take a selfie of the members of your household with your Christmas Eve vigil candle(s), or other candles, or by your Christmas tree, or other background, and then email that photo to the pastor at" data-mce-href="">
If we receive enough photos we will put them together as a slide show for the Sunday, January 3 live stream worship service, when we celebrate Epiphany and the arrival of the wise men, as a way to help bring us together during a time of social distancing.
Depending on how many we receive, we might also use these on our church's Facebook, Instagram, and website.
Visitors, friends, family, members, and neighbors alike are all welcome to send a picture. Please make sure that your attire and background are appropriate, and if possible, we ask that the photos are sent from a parent rather than a youth (if not possible, youth should have parental approval first and cc their parent/guardian when sending the email).
Light - Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24 at 4:30pm - Click Here - Christmas Eve Details Below
On Christmas we celebrate the arrival of the light of Jesus Christ through his birth. Even as a single candle can bring light to a room, all shadows in our world are dissipated by the light of Christ. Click on this Christmas Eve Worship link for additional details about this year's plans for Christmas Eve worship services.
Christmas Sunday
Sunday, December 27 at 10:30am - Online ONLY
Throughout the season of Christmas we light all five Advent wreath candles (the eve of December 24 through January 6).
Epiphany Star of Light
Sunday, January 3 at 10:30am - Online ONLY
Epiphany is celebrated on the January 6 or the Sunday before. On Epiphany we celebrate the Good News going beyond Jerusalem and the Jewish faith to the Gentiles, as revealed through the arrival of the wise men following the star to Bethlehem.
Conrad Weiser Food Pantry
Thursday, December 17, 2020 - POSTPONED - Due to Snow
Monday, December 21, 2020 from 10:00am to 12:00noon - Snow Date
Supporting the Food Pantry
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Live Stream Worship Service
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in communion during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, December 13 when he will be blessing the elements. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements beginning on Wednesday, December 15, and continuing through the weekend. This is in anticipation of our Thursday, December 24, 2020 Christmas Eve 4:30pm and 11:30pm worship services.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">" data-mce-href=""> Yes, we do have a limited number of additional communion cups for friends and neighbors. If you come to worship in person that day, please bring that communion cup and bulletin along with you.
Also, please contact the church office if you are able to help with the packing and/or delivery. We are in need of more volunteers.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
We look forward to sharing in worship with the Bell Choir on this, the Sunday before Christmas. Even though we are no longer having in-person worship, we are still having the bell choir this Sunday, so please join us online for their beautiful Christmas music.
Click on this Advent link for more information about the Advent season and our Advent worship service themes.
For more information about our Advent and Christmas worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 13, 2020 - Zoom ONLY
Registration/Log-in Begins at 11:45am
Meeting Begins at 12:00noon
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, December 13 by Zoom ONLY. You may begin logging into the meeting at 11:45am (after the 10:30am worship service). We hope to have everyone registered by 12:00noon, which is when we will begin the meeting.
The two topics of "business" for this annual meeting is: (1) electing the new Consistory members, Chairpersons, and other leadership positions for the upcoming 2021 year; and (2) voting on the "2021 Ministry and Mission Program" (i.e. the 2021 budget). Those documents will be emailed to members prior to the Congregational Meeting. The Consistory Secretary will also set a day and time when people can pick up those documents at the church building (details of which will be posted here once determined).
To log in by computer, smartphone, tablet, or other smart device:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
To log in by phone (cell phone or landline):
Call: 1-646-558-8656 (New York, NY)
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
When logging in, please include your name in the "Your Name" field. For those using a computer or smart device with a camera, we will count votes by asking you to raise your hand; for those calling in, we will count votes verbally.
For those who are new to Zoom and want to practice first, Pastor Ben is hosting a practice Zoom call on Thursday, December 10. For more information, click on this December 10 Practice Zoom Call link.
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy
Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
Click on this Advent link for more information about the Advent season and our Advent worship service themes.
For more information about our Advent and Christmas worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Practice Zoom
Preparing for the Congregational Meeting
Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 1:15pm & 7:15pm
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, December 13 by Zoom ONLY.
For those who are new to Zoom and want to practice first, Pastor Ben is hosting two practice Zoom calls on Thursday, December 10 at 1:15pm and 7:15pm (after Youth Group); one of which will hopefully fit your schedule.
To log in by computer, smartphone, tablet, or other smart device:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
(If you have never used Zoom before, you will want to click on the above Zoom Meeting link a little early in order to download the app onto your computer, tablet, or smart device).
To log in by phone (cell phone or landline):
Call: 1-646-558-8656 (New York, NY)
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben at" data-mce-href=""> or call the church office 610-621-5770.
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace
Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
Click on this Advent link for more information about the Advent season and our Advent worship service themes.
For more information about our Advent and Christmas worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Lynelle Heimbach, Co-chairperson).
Light In A Darkened World
Sundays, November 29 - December 20, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
There are four Sundays in Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas). The "First Sunday of Advent" marks the beginning of the new church year for Christians. Join us either virtually or in person in welcoming the new year on Sunday, November 29.
Each Sunday, throughout the Season of Advent, we will light a new candle on the Advent Wreath for each of our different weekly themes of what the advent (anticipated coming) of Christ means for us and for our world.
For more information about our Advent and Christmas Worship Services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Sunday, November 29 at 10:30am
In a world darkened by anxiety and fear, we find hope in Christ who overcomes for us all that creates darkness. Within the Christian Church, hope is represented by the color blue. Throughout the season of Advent, we will have blue paraments (cloths covering the altar, pulpit, and lecturn).
Please note there will be NO Zoom on Sunday, November 29; however, we will still have Live Stream & Phone Stream (the Zoom option will resume throughout December).
Sunday, December 6 at 10:30am
In a world torn by violence and conflict, we learn of a better path to peace through Christ who forgives, redeems, and unites us.
Sunday, December 13 at 10:30am
In a world of grief and loss, we are led to greater and deeper of times of joy through Christ who strengthens and encourages us. Within the Christian Church, joy is represented by the color pink/rose. We will light the pink Advent candle today. For those fasting during Advent, this Sunday of joy is also a break in the Advent fast.
Sunday, December 20 at 10:30am
In a world with too much hate and division, we learn to love our neighbor as ourselves through Christ who loves us.
Robesonia Blood Drive
December 2020 - POSTPONED
Next Event: Tuesday, January 5, 2021
The blood drive for December 2020 has been postponed to Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia.
The Robesonia Community Blood Drive takes place once a quarter, and rotates among the four Robesonia churches. Our blood drive is done through the Miller-Keystone Blood Center.
Blood Drive Schedule
Please check this site for updates to the blood drive schedule. The following is the listing of the month and location for the upcoming schedule:
Thursday, February 6, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
April 2020 - Day/Time TBA
at St. Francis De Sales RCC, Robesonia
Saturday, June 20, 2020 from 8:00am-1:00pm
at St. Paul’s UCC, Robesonia
Monday, September 7, 2020 from 9:00am-2:00pm
during the Robesonia Borough Labor Day Car Show
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Daniel's ELCA, Robesonia
Tuesday, January 5, 2021 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Paul’s UCC, Robesonia
Christ the King Sunday
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
The last Sunday of the Christian liturgical year is "Christ the King Sunday." As we bring this year to end, join us in celebration of Jesus Christ as our King.
For more information about this worship service and other worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
PSEC Fall Meeting
Sunday, November 15, 2020 from 2:00-5:00pm - Zoom ONLY
St. Paul's UCC is a member of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the United Church of Christ. The annual fall meeting of the PSEC will be on Sunday, November 15 by Zoom only. Registration will begin at 2:00pm, with the meeting beginning at 3:00pm. To sign up for the Zoom call click on this Registration link. The flyer can be found at this PSEC Fall Meeting Flyer link. Advanced reports can be found at this PSEC Fall Meeting Documents link.
There is no fee for participating in this meeting. Any member of St. Paul's UCC can participate in this Zoom meeting; simply register as a "non-voting visitor" and list your church as "St. Paul's UCC" in "Robesonia."
For more information, please contact our voting delegates Geri Gammel and Jon Henning or contact the church office.
Harvest Home
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
Harvest Home will be celebrated on Sunday, November 15 during our 10:30am worship service. We will be collecting nonperishable items for the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. Please be generous in your contributions. Items such as paper towels, toilet paper, peanut butter, canned goods, shampoo, and anything nonperishable will be welcomed.
You can also give monetary donations securely online to help support the ministry of the Food Pantry. To do so, click on this Online Giving link; enter the dollar amount in one of the Special Mission lines; and type "Harvest Home - Food Pantry" in the description. You can also send a check payable to St. Paul's UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551 and note "Harvest Home - Food Pantry" in the memo line.
It has been a difficult year, but God is always good. We praise Him for His blessings and love. Please share your blessings by giving to the food bank. Items will be collected until the end November, and given to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. Questions? Contact Geri Gammel in the church office, or Steve Miller, Chairperson of the Mission Committee.
Living Water in a Spiritual Desert
Stewardship Sunday - Consecration of Stewards
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
The rite of consecration of stewards is one in which we, as members of the Body of Christ and as members of this one household of faith, pray for God's guidance and seek God's blessing in our use of the gifts that God has so graciously given us. During this service we consecrate (bless) our hands for service to God. It is on this day that we make our Faith Promises to God before the altar of God for the upcoming year, prayerfully committing the first fruits of our labors. In doing so, we renew our vows to faithfully support the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ through this local church.
St. Paul's Church wants to be a source of the Living Water of Jesus Christ in our community and our world. We need you and we need your help to do this. To help our members prepare for their act of commitment to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ through his church for next year (2021), a "Faith Promise to God" card was mailed to all members. We are asking you to faithfully pray about what you would be willing to contribute to the church and its mission. Please return your "Faith Promise to God" card to the church by bringing it in person to the worship service; dropping it in the church mail slot (the church's left door along Penn Avenue); mailing it to St. Paul's UCC, Attn: Financial Secretary, 301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551; or sign up for the recurring giving on our secure Online Giving page.
We are all stewards. We are being asked to grow as stewards of St. Paul's United Church of Christ. Please join us Sunday, November 8th for worship and consecration.
Candy, Chow Chow, and Soup Orders
Orders Due: Friday, November 6, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 9:00am-1:00pm
Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 11:45am (after worship service)
This year the Women's Group will be selling candy, chow chow, and chicken corn noodle soup to support the ministries of St. Paul's UCC.
To make it easier for you to order, especially during this time of the pandemic, we have two order forms. One is a little easier to email, and the other is a little easier to print.
For the email version of the order form: (1) click on this Fall 2020 Candy, Chow Chow, & Soup Email Order Form link; (2) fill it out; (3) save it; and (4) email it to the church office at" target="_blank" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">" data-mce-href=""> [Most find that Google Chrome works best for opening this form].
For the print version of the order form: (1) click on this Fall 2020 Candy, Chow Chow, & Soup Print Order Form link; (2) print out the form; (3) fill it out; and (4) mail it to "St. Paul's UCC; Attn: Women's Group; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551, or drop it off in the mail slot at the left Penn Ave door at the church building, or place it in the basket in the church hallway when worshiping on a Sunday morning.
Please remember to indicate "dark chocolate" or "milk chocolate" and the quantity for each of the various items.
Please note that payment is needed when your order is placed. If not received, your order will not be completed. You can pay by check, cash, or electronically online. Checks should be made out to "21st Century Christian Women's Group". To pay online, click on this Pay Online link, enter your amount in the "Fund-Raiser" line and type "Candy Order" as the description.
All orders due Friday, November 6, 2020.
Pickup will be on Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 9:00am-1:00pm and Sunday, November 22, 2020 at 11:45am (after worship service). The current COVID-19 Safety Plan for Pickup is, while wearing a face covering, drive up to the Fellowship Hall doors along Pearl Street in your vehicle, and remain in your vehicle to receive your order.
Please check back here or contact the church office for any potential changes to that safety process. As we receive updated medical information, we strive to update our processes for the safety of all.
More Info
For more information, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">, or contact an officer of the 21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group (Sue Heister, Chairperson).
Corn Maze - Youth Group
Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 2:00pm
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - POSTPONED to Nov 8 Due to Rain
For an outdoor, social distancing, fellowship activity, the Youth Group will be going to Duncan's Corn Maze on Sunday, November 8, 2020. We will be meeting at the corn maze at 2:00pm (30 Quarry Rd., Robesonia, PA 19551).
Friends are welcome. The cost is $5.00 person (we are using youth group funds to offset the cost). Friends are welcome.
Please bring a face mask. You may not need to wear a face mask while outside and social distancing by at least six feet, but there may be times when we will be closer together, and for those times you will need a face mask. Due to social distancing, we will NOT be offering carpooling for this activity.
Previously, this activity was scheduled for Sunday, November 1, but due to heavy rain, we rescheduled it for the following week, Sunday, November 8.
All Saints Sunday
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 10:30am
Tentatively - Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
This day an annual rememberance and celebration of all the saints of the church, and a special rememberance of the members of St. Paul's UCC who died and entered the "Church Triumphant" since last year's All Saints' Sunday. During worship this Sunday, we will be reading those names, lighting a candle, and pausing in silent prayer, followed by sharing in the sacrament of communion --- as we join in communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and in communion with one another, all the saints who have passed, and all the saints who are yet to come.
For relatives of those whose names we are reading, we invite you to contact the church office to make a reservation at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href=""> for seating in the sanctuary. Additional and overflow seating will also be available in the Miller Fellowship Hall and social hall.
If coming in-person you will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in the building, practice social distancing while in the building and on the church grounds, and follow our COVID-19 Safety Precaution Guidelines.
For more information about this worship service and other worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
About All Saints Day
November 1 is All Saints Day, which is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of November.
The custom of commemorating all of the martyrs of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. Our All Saints Day celebration commemorates not only all the martyrs but all the people of God, living and dead, who form the mystical body of Christ. Today we like many congregations remember our members who have died during the past year, and we celebrate their entrance into the Church Triumphant.
All Saints Sunday celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. With thanksgiving we remember all the faithful departed, especially those most dear to us who have died. Even in the midst of loss and grief God wipes away the tears from our eyes and makes all things new.
Trick or Treating - Come for a Treat
Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Stop by the front of the church building on Robesonia's Trick or Treat Night - Saturday, October 31 from 6-9pm.
For everyone's safety and assurance, we will be distributing bags of candy using a no-touch, contactless method.
We are inviting members to donate candy in advance for us to hand out. With the bags of candy, we will be including a small flyer sharing with some of the ministries within our church that might be of interest to young trick or treaters. We are also looking for persons to help hand out the candy, decorate the front of the church for the evening, and help take down the decorations afterwards. If you would be interested in helping with any of that, please contact the Evangelism Committee leadership: Robin Henning (chair) or Geri Gammel (vice chair).
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the November 1 All Saints Day Live Stream Worship Service
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 10:00am &
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in communion during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, October 25 when he will be blessing the elements. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements on Tuesday, October 27 and Wednesday, October 28). This is in anticipation of our Sunday, November 1, 2020 All Saints Day 10:30am worship communion service.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href=""> Yes, we do have a limited number of additional communion cups for friends and neighbors. If you come to worship in person that day, please bring that communion cup and bulletin along with you.
Also, please contact the church office if you are able to help with the packing and/or delivery. We are in need of more volunteers.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Covenant Association Fall Meeting
Sunday, October 25, 2020 from 2:00-5:00pm - Zoom ONLY
St. Paul's UCC is a member of the Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ. The annual fall meeting of the Covenant Association will be on Sunday, October 25 by Zoom only. To sign up for the Zoom call click on this Registration link.
Look for more information here as the date approaches, including how to register and log on. For more information, please contact our delegates Geri Gammel and Jon Henning or contact the church office.
Reformation Sunday
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
Reformation Sunday is annually celebrated on the last Sunday of October. On Reformation Sunday we celebrate and give thanks for the early reformers who risked their lives to faithfully bring forth the reformations to the church we now enjoy today. It is a day to remember what it means for us to be Christians of the reformed tradition, including the responsibilities of reading scripture, participating with others in Bible study, praying with and for others, teaching the Christian faith to others, sharing the Good News of the Gospel, joining communally in mutual spiritual support of one another, ensuring Bibles are available to people in their common language, and being an active part of the "Priesthood of All Believers."
This year, as we give thanks for our past traditions, much of our liturgy for Sunday morning worship will come from our "Evangelical & Reformed" hymnal.
Whether we meet in-person or not, we plan to continue to have the Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom options.
If coming in-person you will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in the building, practice social distancing while in the building and on the church grounds, and follow our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. For more information, click on this COVID-19 Safety Precautions link.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Thursdays, September 10 & 24, 2020 from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursdays, October 8 & 22, 2020 from 6:00-7:00pm
As weather permits, we will be holding our youth group meetings in the church's parking lot, while practicing social distancing. Please bring along a lawn chair and face covering. We will be in a large circle, keeping family units at a social distance. In the event of inclement weather we will spread out by family unit in the fellowship hall, while wearing face coverings. Face coverings need to cover both your mouth and nose. If you enter the building and/or are less than eight feet apart from a person outside your home, please wear a face covering. Also, if you enter the building, please wash your hands, and use your hip or elbow on the crash bar (not your bare hand) to exit the building, so that you are not touching any surfaces after you have washed your hands. If you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) have any safety concerns, please contact the church office or any of our youth group adult advisors.
Our regular youth group meetings are on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm, and are intended for grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21).
During our monthly meetings we have time for fellowship, prayer, learning, fun, and the youth planning for their own upcoming activities, all with appropriate adult supervision (who are approved through our SafeConduct process).
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Youth Group Advisors Meetings
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 5:30pm
Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 5:30pm
The Adult Youth Group Advisors meet on the second Thursday of the month at 5:30pm (half an hour before the youth group meeting). Our adult advisors are approved through our SafeConduct process, and seek to provide a well supervised, safe, fun, and meaningful youth group experience.
For more information about our Youth Group, click on this Youth Fellowship Group link.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream & Phone Stream
Whether we meet in-person or not, we plan to continue to have the Live Stream & Phone Stream options for this Sunday. Unfortunately we will not be able to Zoom on October 18, but will return with the Zoom option the following Sunday, October 25.
If coming in-person you will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in the building, practice social distancing while in the building and on the church grounds, and follow our COVID-19 Safety Precaution Guidelines.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person by reservation only
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
The good news is that the Miller Fellowship Hall floor is being redone this weekend. The bad news is that we will not be able to use the downstairs for seating on that Sunday. We have limited seating in the sanctuary due to social distancing needs. Therefore, in-person seating will be done by reservation only for this Sunday. Our office secretary will be on vacation, therefore to make a reservation, please contact Sheri Rowe by phone or at" data-mce-href="">
Whether we meet in-person or not, we plan to continue to have the Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom options.
If coming in-person you will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in the building, practice social distancing while in the building and on the church grounds, and follow our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. For more information, click on this COVID-19 Safety Precautions link.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Tour of the Robesonia Furnace - Youth Group
Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 6:00pm
In place of our regular Youth Group meeting, the Youth Group will be taking a tour at the Robesonia Furnace on Thursday, October 8 at 6:00pm. Please meet at the Furnance Museum, 340 South Freeman Street, Robesonia.
Please remember to wear your face mask and practice social distancing. While social distancing outside, you will be allowed to remove your face mask. Due to social distancing, we will NOT be offering carpooling for this activity.
This will be a good opportunity to learn about the history of our community and to fellowship outdoors while social distancing, especially as the church's fellowship hall will be closed this day for rennovations.
There is no fee for this activity. For more information, contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Our next activity will be the Corn Maze on Sunday, November 1. Please let us know on October 8 if you will be attending the corn maze activity on November 1, as we need to make advance registration to get the group discount.
World Communion Sunday
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor & In-Person
Plus: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
For those watching at home, you will be able to see and hear our Virtual Choir singing another song online during the worship service. To hear a previous song by our Virtual Choir, click on this Virtual Choir link.
We hope that all who wanted to share in communion from home received a communion delivery this past week of a consecrated pre-filled communion cup. If you did not have communion delivered to you this past week, or if you did not receive enough cups, you are invited to have wine or grape juice and bread at your home for this service for blessing during the service and sharing in communion. To be added to communion delivery list, and/or to change the number of communion cups you need, please contact the church office at" data-mce-href=""> or 610-621-5770.
Congregations throughout the world celebrate in our one Christian unity, regardless of our denominational name, through the sharing of communion on World Communion Sunday. This sacrament unites us with God, with one another, with Christians who have gone before, and with Christians yet to come. World Communion Sunday is annually celebrated on the first Sunday of October. Even though separated by distance, time zones, and political boundaries, we are one in this day, regardless of our geography.
This year for World Communion Sunday, we will be celebrating this day that brings us together as one, even when separated by great distance, by sharing in the sacrament from our homes. We will be using pre-filled communion cups with unleavened bread enclosed. The elements will be blessed during the previous Sunday's worship service (September 27), and then delivered to homes (for those living in the area) on the following Tuesday and Wednesday, so that we have them for the October 4 live stream worship service. If you would like communion delivered to your home, please contact the church office with the number of cups needed in your home. We will be giving priority to members, but expect to have a limited supply of additional cups that we can deliver to friends, family, and neighbors on a first come basis while supplies last.
Those bagging will be practicing social distancing, feeling healthy, have normal temperatures, and wearing gloves and masks. Those delivering will likewise need to have normal temperatures, feeling healthy, wearing gloves, and will simply set a bag with the communion elements at your front door, knock, and leave. We will be delivering early in the week, to add to your assurance that the use of the communion will be long after the survivability of the virus on any of the surfaces.
If you would like to help with the bagging or delivering, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">" data-mce-href="">" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">. We will be limiting how many people are bagging at one time, to help with social distancing.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
We are resuming indoor in-person worship on Sunday, October 4. If worshiping on that day in-person, simply bring along with you the pre-filled communion cup and bulletin that was delivered to your house. If you did not receive a pre-filled communion cup or if you forget to bring yours with you, do not worry, we will have extra on hand.
If coming in-person you will need to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth while in the building, practice social distancing while in the building and on the church grounds, and follow our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines. For more information, click on this COVID-19 Safety Precautions link. Please read through those guidelines before arriving, so that you know what to expect.
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the October 4 World Communion Sunday Live Stream Worship Service
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 10:00am
& Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Pastor Ben will be leading us in communion during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, September 27 when he will be blessing the elements. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements on Tuesday, September 29 and Wednesday, September 30).
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Communion Instructions
With your help, we plan to offer Holy Communion in your homes on Sunday, October 4 (World Communion Sunday) during the 10:30am virtual worship service.
+ The Pastor will consecrate those elements beforehand (during the 10:30am worship service on Sunday, September 27.
+ Then volunteers will put those elements into paper bags. (Those bagging will be wearing gloves and masks, check for normal temperature, feeling healthy, keeping at a social distance, and be no more than a dozen people helping at one time).
+ Volunteers will deliver those bags to your front door. (Those delivering will be wearing gloves and masks, check for normal temperature, feeling healthy, and will just be dropping off and walking away, keeping at a social distance - for your protection and theirs).
+ Those bags will be dropped off at least 3 days before Sunday, October 4, which is beyond the survivability life of the coronavirus, so you can feel reassured about touching the contents of the bag on October 4.
+ On Sunday, October 4, tune into the 10:30am live stream, phone stream, or zoom, and follow the worship service. The Pastor will then give instructions for the receiving of communion, for us all to consume of it at the same time. And, therefore even when physically apart due to social distancing, we will be able to be together in that moment as one through the sacrament of communion.
Helping With Communion
To make this work we need your help:
For example, if you are a member of St. Paul’s and your spouse is a member of another church, we will bring you two cups, if you request it. If we do not hear from you, we will base our delivery on the information we have in the latest church directory.
(2) We need volunteers to help fill the bags. If you would be willing to help, please email or call the church office. We will be doing this with small numbers of volunteers at a time at the beginning of this coming week.
(4) Yes, visitors, too!
We ordered additional cups. If you have a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor, or social distancing buddy living in the community who you know would like to receive communion in this way, as well, confirm that with them first, and then email the church office with: their name; address; phone number; and number of cups needed. We may or may not be able to meet that need, as we have a limited supply of additional cups, but we need know that need exists in order for us to try to meet that need. Our ability to meet that need will depend upon: (a) how many volunteers we have help bag and deliver; and (b) the total number of people who are interested in receiving, as we have a limited supply (let us know soon, as we will do that on a first come basis).
We will strive to do our best to make sure all that would like communion will receive it, but we need your help in the above ways to enable that to happen.
If you are in anyway able to help with this, please contact the church office. We would rather have too many helpers and need to turn people away, then not have enough volunteers to get this done in the few short days we have to pack and deliver. Please contact the church office at" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">" data-mce-href=""> or 610-621-5770 with your willingness to help or if you have any questions.
Spirit Wear
Orders Due: Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Orders are due for St. Paul's UCC sweatshirts on Tuesday, September 29. For more information and/or to place an order please contact Robin Henning (Evangelism Chairperson) or the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
You can make a check payable to "St. Paul's UCC" marked "Sweatshirt" mailed to 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551; or you can pay online by clicking on this Online Payment link, and type "Sweatshirt" in one of the two lines that say "Other."
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 27, 2020 at 10:30am
September 27: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
NO In-Person Worship
During this worship service, we will be consecrating the elements for the following week's World Communion Sunday, which will be delivered on September 29 & 30.
Due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not have in-person worship on Sunday mornings during the month of September.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 10:30am
September 20 Morning Worship: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
Due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not have in-person worship on Sunday mornings during the month of September.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Walking Group
Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 9:00am
Our next walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 2020 starting at 9:00am. We are walking the paths at the Wernersville State Hospital, weather permitting. Meet at Parking Lot A, the first parking lot to the left, a few minutes before 9:00am. JUST SHOW UP, there's no need to contact the church or inform anyone that you are coming. Friends and relatives are welcome to join you on the walk. It is your responsibility to decide what clothing and shoes to wear, and whether you need a snack or drink. We will be socially distancing. Please bring a mask. We are not requiring walkers to wear a mask for this outdoor activity while maintaining a social distance of at least six feet from one another while on the walk. A mask covering your mouth and nose should be worn when you are unable to be maintain a social distance of at least six feet (which might occur as we begin in the parking lot).
We hope that this time out enjoying God's creation, will also serve as a time for us to be of prayerful communal and spiritual support to one another, especially during the times of isolation that can result as we all strive together to reduce the spread of this pandemic.
Looking ahead, we would like to try other locations and walks that may be longer and/or more difficult. We hope to see you this Saturday!
Evening Vespers Worship Service
Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 7:00pm - In-Person Outdoor
Rain Date: Sunday, September 20
We will have an outdoor, evening vespers worship service, in-person, with communion on Sunday, September 13 in the parking lot at 7:00pm. If you are more amble and able-bodied, you are encouraged to use street parking this evening, as we will have limited parking along the back row (the rest of the lot will be for people to socially distant worship). Please bring your own lawn chair. We will have every-other parking space marked off, with seating of only one household per parking space to create adequate social distance. Please follow the direction of the ushers for seating and parking.
For the COVID-19 precautions being taken for that day, please click on this COVID-19 Outdoor Worship Precautions link.
We most likely will not be able to live stream or phone stream this worship service. However, we do hope to record the service and post the video on our YouTube Channel and the audio on our phone stream, for you to be able to view and/or listen to later, especially for those unable to come to this worship service. You should NOT come to this service if: you are not feeling well, if you have a fever, if you are unable to wear a mask that covers both your mouth and nose, if you have traveled to or through one of the states in the previous 14 days listed by Pennsylvania for self-quarantine, or if you believe you may have had a COVID-19 exposure and have not yet tested negative.
We will need people to assist with the set-up, clean-up, parking, ushering, seating, etc for this service. To assist, please contact Sheri Rowe directly (if you would like to assist, but do not have her direct number, please contact the church office).
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Ketchup Sunday Social
Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 6:15-6:45pm - In-Person Outdoor
Rain Date: Sunday, September 20
In September one of the events that usually takes place is Ketchup Sunday - a Sunday where we have a fellowship time after the worship service to "catch-up" on what everyone's been up to over the summer and "catch-up" also on our offerings that we might have missed over the summer months. However, due to the Covid-19 virus, our lives have become topsy turvy and nothing has been normal. We miss seeing each other and sharing with one another.
Instructions for the Ketchup Sunday Social Take Out Meal:
- Meals will be distributed from the church driveway door.
- Remain in your car when picking up your meal(s).
- Please wear a face covering (it must cover your mouth and nose), and may only be removed when you are in your designated "parking lot spot."
- Follow the volunteers' directions into the parking lot.
- Meals will be handed out between 6:15 and 6:45pm.
Incoming Confirmation Class
Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 5:30pm
Preregister by Sunday, August 16, 2020
This school year's confirmation class program will begin on Sunday, September 13 at 5:30pm. The first class is for students and their parents.
Please note: we moved the start time up by 30 minutes (from 6:00pm to 5:30pm) due to having the evening vespers service this evening, also.
Please wear a face mask covering both your mouth and nose for class.
We plan to hold our classes in-person, while wearing face masks and practicing social distancing. In the event that we are unable to hold classes in person due to the pandemic, we plan to have virtual classes this coming fall through conference calls (such as Zoom).
The recommended age to begin the confirmation program is when entering 8th grade. Older students are certainly welcome, as our students as young as 7th grade.
Please preregister for this class, so we can be sure to have enough materials for the first day, by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 by Sunday, August 16.
For more details and information, click on this Confirmation Class Program link, which will take you to the page on our site dedicated to the confirmation program.
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 10:30am
September 13 Morning Worship: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
Due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not have in-person worship on Sunday mornings during the month of September.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 8:30am
Monthly the Men's Fellowship Group meets for prayer, breakfast, fellowship, comradery, mutual support, and to plan the upcoming Men's Group activities. The breakfast is held at the Heidelberg Restaurant on Penn Ave in Robesonia. You are welcome; no reservation is needed.
During the COVID pandemic, please come with a face mask, and please only participate if you are feeling well, have a normal temperature, have not been to or through one of the states listed on Pennsylvania's quarantine list, and do not believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 without testing negative.
Walking Group Forming
Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 9:00am
A walking group is forming at St. Paul's UCC Church. The first walk is being planned for this coming Saturday, September 12, 2020 starting at 9:00am. We are walking the paths at the Wernersville State Hospital, weather permitting. Meet at Parking Lot A, the first parking lot to the left, a few minutes before 9:00am. This is a short walk on level, shaded pathways. JUST SHOW UP, there's no need to contact the church or inform anyone that you are coming. Friends and relatives are welcome to join you on the walk. It is your responsibility to decide what clothing and shoes to wear, and whether you need a snack or drink. We will be socially distancing, and you may wear a mask if it is appropriate for you.
Looking ahead, we would like to try other locations and walks that may be longer and/or more difficult. We hope to see you this Saturday!
Robesonia Blood Drive
Monday (Labor Day), September 7, 2020
The Robesonia Community Blood Drive takes place once a quarter, and rotates among the four Robesonia churches. Our blood drive is done through the Miller-Keystone Blood Center.
Blood Drive Schedule
Please check this site for updates to the blood drive schedule. The following is the listing of the month and location for the upcoming schedule:
Thursday, February 6, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
April 2020 - Day/Time TBA
at St. Francis De Sales RCC, Robesonia
Saturday, June 20, 2020 from 8:00am-1:00pm
at St. Paul’s UCC, Robesonia
Monday, September 7, 2020 from 9:00am-2:00pm
during the Robesonia Borough Labor Day Car Show
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Daniel's ELCA, Robesonia
Postponed to Tuesday, January 5, 2021 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Return to Regular Schedule
Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 10:30am
September 6: Live Stream & Phone Stream
Due to COVID-19 precautions, we will not have in-person worship on Sunday mornings during the month of September.
During this worship service we will have a special presentation on the recent Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC August 15, 2020 meeting from our delegate Geri Gammel.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the fall and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Sunday School Resumes
Sunday, September 6, 2020 at 9:00am
Sunday school will begin at 9:00am this fall (rather than our usual 9:15am), in order to allow students to get back home for the 10:30am live stream worship service.
The youth will be meeting in the downstairs of the building, following social distancing guidelines.
Jon Henning will be teaching The Present Word for adults in the upstairs conference room ("Upper Room"), following social distancing guidelines.
Sunday school participants may NOT stay afterwards for worship or fellowship. For the safety of all, Sunday school participants must leave promptly at the end of the Sunday school time. [Worship leaders and staff may of course remain for worship, as well as members of their immediate household].
We are planning for at least one other option for adults beginning this fall. The other option will potentially be a hybrid option (where adults could particpate in-person or via Zoom). A survey was sent out the week of August 16 to help discern interest. If you do not receive the survey please contact the church office to request a survey.
In the near future, we plan to post our Sunday school social distancing guidelines at this COVID-19 Precautions link, as well as include them in the September newsletter.
If you are unable or uncomfortable with participating in person (and/or with your child participating in person), and would be interested in Sunday school virtually, please contact chairperson Elsa Wertz for options and to express your interest. We want to do our best to connect all those who are interested with the living God through growing in the understanding of scripture.
For information about how we will be having Sunday school this fall for youth and adults, please contact Elsa Wertz, Christian Education Chair, or Geri Gammel, Christian Education Vice Chair.
Blessing of Students & Teachers
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 30, 2020 at 9:30am
August 30: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
As we begin the new school year, join us virtually on August 30 for prayers of blessing for students, teachers, administrators, and support staff. Unfortunately, we will not be able to have an in-person blessing of the backpacks this year, but we will still be sure to let our students know in our worship that they are in our prayers and have our love and support as their school year resumes.
In place of August's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
Due to COVID-19, worship throughout the month of August will be online only. For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Miniature Golf
Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 6:00pm
Youth Group
In place of our regular Thursday, August 27 Youth Group meeting, we will be meeting at Sittler's Miniature Golf Course at 6:00pm for a round of 18 hole mini golf. The cost is $5.00 per youth group member (regular cost is $7.00); we are using the youth group funds to provide the youth with a discount. Parents/guardians should drop off and pick up their youth at Sittler's at 497 Mountain Home Road; Sinking Spring, PA 19608. Please remember to bring your face mask. We encourage you to bring a bottle of water and a little bottle of hand sanitizer.
If you are planning on going, please contact the church office (610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href=""> by 2:00pm on Thursday, August 27, so we know to look for you at Sittler's. Friends and family are welcome to play mini golf with you, and they too must follow the COVID safety guidelines.
For COVID-19 safety reasons, we as the church cannot organize a car pool for this activity, as maintaining social distancing within a vehicle is not possible. However, we are not prohibiting parents/guardians from sharing rides with one another, if you choose to do so, and believe you can do so safely. If on your own, you decide to car pool with people that do not live in your household, we recommend having the windows at least part way down and the wearing of face masks while sharing the car ride.
For more information, please contact any of our adult supervisors, including: Geri Gammel, Beth Miller, Kirk Aulenbach, or Pastor Ben Motz.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 9:30am
August 23: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
Due to COVID-19, worship throughout the month of August will be online only.
In place of August's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Worship at Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 10:30am
Cancelled for 2020
Due to COVID-19, it was decided at the July Consistory meeting not to have worship at Knoebels Amusement Park for this year. We will plan to have it again next year on August 8, 2021. We hope to see you then!
Worship will only be by Live Stream, Zoom, and Phone Stream from St. Paul's Sanctuary on Sunday, August 16 at 9:30am.
Previous Year's Photos
To view photos from previous year's click on the following links:
Knoebels 2016 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Facebook Photos
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 9:30am
August 16: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
Worship throughout the month of August will be online only.
During this worship service, we will have "Prayers of Remembrance" for our brother in faith, Russell Miller.
In place of August's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
PSEC Special Meeting
Saturday, August 15 from 1:00-4:00 - Zoom Only
Registration Deadline: Monday, August 10
Due to the cancellation of the annual PSEC Spring Meeting and the possibility of a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall, the PSEC is holding a meeting this summer. This meeting will be by Zoom only.
For more information, go to the website, and/or contact our delegates: Jon Henning and Geri Gammel.
Zooming with the Consistory & Pastor
Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 10:45am
Following the 9:30am worship service on Sunday, August 9, we will have an opportunity for members to join in a check-in and question/answer time with the Pastor and Consistory. If you have questions about what is taking place within our church during this pandemic, this is an opportunity to ask. The login for this time of conversation will be the same for our Zoom Worship.
For more information, please contact Consistory President Sheri Rowe, Vice President Kirk Aulenbach, Pastor Ben Motz, or the church office.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 9:30am
August 9: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
We will have a virtual choir as a part of this Sunday's worship service. If you would like to be a part of future virtual choirs, please contact Pastor Bob Masenheimer or the church office. We are looking for voices and instrumentalists.
Tentatively, we were planning to have an outdoor, in-person, social distancing worship service on Sunday, August 9 at 9:30am, but Consistory decided against it. Although it would have been nice to see other members close up, we felt that to sit in the parking lot for an hour in the sun and heat might be overbearing. The service will still be offered online via the Live Stream, Phone Stream, and Zoom options, so that you may view the worship service from home.
In place of August's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Car Show
Saturday, August 8, 2020 - Cancelled
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Car Show has been cancelled this year. For more information, please contact MFF Committee Chairperson Steve Miller or Vice Chair Geneva Aulenbach.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
August 2, 4, & 6, 2020 from 6:30-8:00pm
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Vacation Bible School is coming!!
Children ages 3 through Grade 6 are invited to attend this year's VBS to be held Sunday, August 2, Tuesday, August 4, and Thursday, August 6 from 6:30 - 8:00pm at St. Daniel's Lutheran Church, 480 Big Spring Road, Robesonia, PA 19551. This year's theme is "Love One Another". There will be Bible stories, short videos to emphasize the lessons, music (signing, no singing), crafts, and take home snacks.
Pre-registration is required so that social distancing may be observed. Masks will be mandatory. Once registered, parents will receive follow-up instructions. Classrooms will be cleaned before and after each session. Please click on the VBS Registration link to pre-register.
We look forward to seeing you! This Community VBS is sponsored by St. Daniel's Lutheran Church in Robesonia, Zion United Church of Christ in Womelsdorf, and St. Paul's United Church of Christ in Robesonia.
Nineth Sunday after Pentecost
Agapé Love Feast
Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 9:30am
August 2: Live Stream Only
You are invited to join us for a Love Feast during our online worship service on Sunday, August 2 at 9:30am. This will be in place of our August communion worship service (however, a Love Feast is not Holy Communion). A Love Feast is a communal meal that takes place during a worship service, but unlike in the sacrament of Holy Communion, there is no consecration of the elements by an ordained minister (in the sacrament of communion we consecrate the elements of bread and wine/grape juice). Although for many of us, a Love Feast will perhaps be a new worship experience, the practice of a Love Feast for bringing Christians together in fellowship dates back to New Testament times and is mentioned by name in Jude 1:12.
It is our hope that during this time of social distancing, uniting around a common meal, while separated by distance, might help us to feel more connected to one another and our Lord.
For this online worship service, we invite you, from the comfort of your home, to have a simple food (such as a pastry, donought, cracker, or bun) and a simple drink (such as coffee, tea, water, or lemonade). During the online worship service, the pastor will direct us to eat and drink of our communal meal together. During which time we hope to have a slide show from some past St. Paul's UCC fellowship events.
More information about this Love Feast can be found in the August issue of The Herald. You can also find an excerpt from that issue by clicking on this Love Feast Information link. Also, so that you might become a little more familiar with this faith practice, below is a United Methodist Church YouTube video about how Love Feasts were commonly celebrated in United Methodist Churches prior to COVID-19.
Throughout the month of August, Sunday morning worship will be online only (no in-person worship). Most Sundays will be both Live Stream and Zoom; however, August 2 will be Live Stream only.
In place of August's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Thursday, July 30, 2020 - Cancelled
Due to how many people we expect to be away on July 30, including the expected vacation schedules of our Adult Advisors and many of our youth, we are cancelling the July 30 youth group meeitng.
Our regular youth group meetings are on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm, and are intended for grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21).
As weather permits, we will be holding our youth group meetings in the church's parking lot, while practicing social distancing. Please bring along a lawn chair and face covering. We will be in a large circle, keeping family units at a social distance. In the event of inclement weather we will spread out by family unit in the fellowship hall, while wearing face coverings. Face coverings need to cover both your mouth and nose. If you enter the building and/or are less than eight feet apart from a person outside your home, please wear a face covering. Also, if you enter the building, please wash your hands, and use your hip or elbow on the crash bar (not your bare hand) to exit the building, so that you are not touching any surfaces after you have washed your hands. If you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) have any safety concerns, please contact the church office or any of our youth group adult advisors.
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Schuylkill Valley Baccalaureate Service
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 6:30pm - Cancelled
The annual Schuylkill Valley Baccalaureate Worship Service will be held on Wednesday, July 29 at 6:30pm at the Schuylkill Valley High School, hosted by the Schuylkill Valley Ministerium.
This is a revised date (from the original June 4 date), due to the stay-at-home orders. Please check back for possible changes and updates due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 9:30am
July 26: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Throughout the month of July we will have online worship services only (no in-person worship). On all four Sundays in July we will have Live Stream worship, and on July 5 & July 26 we will have the additional option of Zoom.
In place of July's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 19, 2020 at 9:30am
July 19: Live Stream Only
Throughout the month of July we will have online worship services only (no in-person worship). On all four Sundays in July we will have Live Stream worship, and on July 5 & July 26 we will have the additional option of Zoom.
In place of July's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 12, 2020 at 9:30am
July 12: Live Stream Only
Throughout the month of July we will have online worship services only (no in-person worship). On all four Sundays in July we will have Live Stream worship, and on July 5 & July 26 we will have the additional option of Zoom.
In place of July's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 5, 2020 at 9:30am
July 5: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Throughout the month of July we will have online worship services only (no in-person worship). On all four Sundays in July we will have Live Stream worship, and on July 5 & July 26 we will have the additional option of Zoom.
In place of July's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer. Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas.
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Communion Sunday
Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 9:30am
June 28: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Pastor Ben will be leading us in communion during the 9:30am live stream worship service. He will be blessing the elements during the worship service on Sunday, June 21. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements the week of June 21 (on Tuesday, June 23 & Wednesday, June 24).
For more information about our worship services throughout the summer and the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Communion Instructions
With your help, we plan to offer Holy Communion in your homes on Sunday, June 28 during the 9:30am worship service.
+ The Pastor will consecrate those elements beforehand (during the 9:30am worship service on Sunday, June 21 (Father's Day).
+ Then volunteers will put those elements into paper bags. (Those bagging will be wearing gloves and masks, check for normal temperature, feeling healthy, keeping at a social distance, and be no more than a dozen people helping at one time).
+ Volunteers will deliver those bags to your front door. (Those delivering will be wearing gloves and masks, check for normal temperature, feeling healthy, and will just be dropping off and walking away, keeping at a social distance - for your protection and theirs).
+ Those bags will be dropped off at least 3 days before Sunday, June 28, which is beyond the survivability life of the coronavirus, so you can feel reassured about touching the contents of the bag on June 28.
+ On Sunday, June 28, tune into the 9:30am live stream or zoom, and follow the worship service. The Pastor will then give instructions for the receiving of communion, for us all to consume of it at the same time. And, therefore even when physically apart due to social distancing, we will be able to be together in that moment as one through the sacrament of communion.
Helping With Communion
To make this work we need your help:
For example, if you are a member of St. Paul’s and your spouse is a member of another church, we will bring you two cups, if you request it. If we do not hear from you, we will base our delivery on the information we have in the latest church directory.
(2) We need volunteers to help fill the bags. If you would be willing to help, please email or call the church office. We will be doing this with small numbers of volunteers at a time at the beginning of this coming week.
(4) Yes, visitors, too!
We ordered additional cups. If you have a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor, or social distancing buddy living in the community who you know would like to receive communion in this way, as well, confirm that with them first, and then email the church office with: their name; address; phone number; and number of cups needed. We may or may not be able to meet that need, as we have a limited supply of additional cups, but we need know that need exists in order for us to try to meet that need. Our ability to meet that need will depend upon: (a) how many volunteers we have help bag and deliver; and (b) the total number of people who are interested in receiving, as we have a limited supply (let us know soon, as we will do that on a first come basis).
We will strive to do our best to make sure all that would like communion will receive it, but we need your help in the above ways to enable that to happen.
If you are in anyway able to help with this, please contact the church office. We would rather have too many helpers and need to turn people away, then not have enough volunteers to get this done in the few short days we have to pack and deliver. Please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 with your willingness to help or if you have any questions.
Past News Articles
In the event that you missed the information about a previous event at St. Paul's UCC that you had wanted to know, you might be able to find it here. The following events are listed in order of the most recent at the top of the page and the oldest articles at the bottom of the page.
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Father's Day
Sunday, June 21, 2020 at 9:30am
This Year: Live Stream Only
Join us virtually this Sunday for Father's Day prayers.
Pastor Ben will also be blessing the communion elements during this service for the following week. The blessed communion elements will be distributed during the week for people to share in communion in their homes during the Sunday, June 28 online worship service, and we plan to be delivering a special Father's Day / Family Gift. More information about the communion distribution and worship service can be found by clicking on this At Home June Communion link.
There will be a children's sermon on June 14; however, there will be no Zoom, due to technical limitations.
For more information about our worship services throughout the season of Pentecost, and/or to help with the planning of our special Father's Day preparations, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Blood Drive Schedule
Thursday, February 6, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
April 2020 - Day/Time TBA
Saturday, June 20, 2020 from 8:00am-1:00pm
Additional Information with regards to the June 20, 2020 blood
Due to the COVID-19 virus, several changes have been made in the way donors and their
donations are processed:
1. The goal is to keep to a minimum the traffic in the donor area.
2. All donors will need an appointment. If you are a "walk-in" and there is an open appointment
time, then you may be able to donate. However, there are no guarantees. It is best to
schedule an appointment time by calling 1-800-223-6667 or scheduling online at
3. Donors should arrive at their appointment time. Donors will not be allowed to stand around
in the area.
4. All donors will need to wear a mask. Prior to entering the donation area/room, everyone will
have their temperature taken. Once cleared, they will check in at the table and will be given
instructions as to where to sit.
5. Donors will then be taken to the registration area to collect their information and answer
their questions.
6. Donors are then escorted to the donor chairs and the donation process will begin.
7. Once the donation is completed the donors will remain in the donor chairs for their recovery
period where they will be watched for reactions and provided with a beverage and snack.
8. The registration area, chairs and etc. will be disinfected between each donor.
Monday, September 7, 2020 from 9:00am-2:00pm
during the Robesonia Borough Labor Day Car Show
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
Thursday, December 10, 2020 from 2:00-7:00pm
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 9:30am
June 14: Live Stream Only
The season of Pentecost, is the season of the church in mission. It is a season of every member of the church, as a disciple of Christ and as a part of the Priesthood of All Believers, going out into the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through both our words and actions. The growth in followers of Christ from our witness is symbolized by the green paraments (symbolic of growing green plants).
There will be a children's sermon on June 14; however, there will be no Zoom, due to technical limitations.
For more information about our worship services throughout the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Hartman Center
UCC Church Camp
Summer Opportunities from June 14 - July 27, 2020 - CANCELLED
Early Bird Discount Registration is Due: March 31, 2020
The Hartman Center is an United Church of Christ camp church located in Milroy, PA in our neighboring Penn Central Conference of the UCC. The summer camp schedule and brochures are now available. Originally, the summer camp options were from June 14, 2020 to July 27, 2020. Due to COVID-19, the Hartman Center will be closed until September 2020. For more information, click on the Hartman Center Closure link, which will take you to information on their website.
The Hartman Center is nestled in the foothills of the Seven Mountains region of Pennsylvania and offers half-week and weeklong summer camps for children, youth, and adults with a variety of interests, including a soccer camp, art camp, STEM camp, family camp, adventure camp, nature camp, fishing camp, and more. During summer camp you will have the opportunity to explore God in creaion, connect to God's spirit, know the joy of Christian community, while having fun in the outdoors.
You can find Hartman Center brochures on the blue visitor table in St. Paul's upstairs hallway or through our church office at or 610-621-5770. One of the best ways to get information is to go to the Hartman Center website at; you can also contact the camp directly at or 1-717-50-CABIN.
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Thursday, May 14 & 28, 2020 at 6:00pm - by Zoom
Sunday, June 7 at 6:30pm - bonfire
(No Thursday, June 11 meeting, we will have the June 7 bonfire instead)
Thurs, June 25 at 6:00pm - Social Distancing in Parking Lot
For our social distancing parking lot meeting, please bring along a chair and face covering. We will be in a large circle, keeping family units at a social distance. If your parents want you to wear your mask throughout the meeting, please do so. If you enter the building and/or are less than eight feet apart from a person outside your home, please wear a face covering. Also, if you enter the building, please wash your hands, and use your hip or elbow on the crash bar (not your bare hand) to exit the building, so that you are not touching any surfaces after you have washed your hands. If you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) have any safety concerns, please contact the church office or any of our youth group adult advisors.
Our regular youth group meetings are on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm, and are intended for grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21).
During our monthly meetings we have time for fellowship, prayer, learning, fun, and the youth planning for their own upcoming activities, all with appropriate adult supervision (who are approved through our SafeConduct process).
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Youth Group Bonfire
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 6:30-8:00pm
Our annual Youth Group bonfire burning of the Jack Frost Parade Float has been postponed to Sunday, June 7.
We will gather (while remaining socially distant) in the field of one of our youth group members for the burning of the float. Please wear a face covering when you come. You are invited to bring along your own folding chair or blanket to sit upon (keeping your seating socially distant from others, of course).
For the street address, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 (because this is a private residence, we are not posting the address on our website). Due to social distancing precautions, you must provide your own transportation to and from the field from your home; adult advisors and chaperones will not be able to provide transportation in their vehicles.
On a separate fire we will be roasting marshmallows for s'mores. We will have individually prepackaged s'more ingredients (so that we will not be sharing in a common bag of marshmallows or a common box of crackers). Please contact the church office ahead of time with your planned attendance, so that we can be sure to have enough s'more kits for everyone who would like one. (If at all possible, please let us know before 3:00pm, Thursday, June 4 of your expected attendance). If you have your own roasting fork, you may bring that along. If not, we will have other roasting forks, which we will sanitize in-between users.
For more information, please contact Beth Miller, Geri Gammel, or Pastor Ben Motz.
Trinity Sunday
First Sunday after Pentecost
Summer Schedule Begins
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 9:30am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Trinity Sunday is the celebration of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. We celebrate this on the First Sunday after Pentecost, as it was on Pentecost Sunday that the Holy Spirit came upon the church.
The season of Pentecost, is the season of the church in mission. It is a season of every member of the church, as a disciple of Christ and as a part of the Priesthood of All Believers, going out into the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through both our words and actions. The growth in followers of Christ from our witness is symbolized by the green paraments (symbolic of growing green plants).
For more information about our worship services throughout the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Summer Worship Schedule Begins
June, July, & August - Worship at 9:30am
Sunday, June 7, 2020 at 9:30am
June: Live Stream & Zoom Only
July & August: TBD
During the months of June, July, and August, we are on our summer worship schedule, as such there is no Sunday school and worship is at 9:30am. We will continue to have children's bulletins and children's sermons throughout the summer.
For the month of June we will be having online worship only (no in-person worship). In place of June's "Junior Worship" we will have online youth resources at this Christian Education for Youth link. To view the live stream, click on this live stream link.
If we meet in person for July and August, we will also continue to have junior worship on the second and third Sundays of the month (where the elementary age youth are dismissed to the downstairs Sunday school area after the children's sermon for more in-depth age-relevant learning of the day's scriptures). Regardless of whether we worship in person or not, we will still be live streaming our worship services.
No determination has yet been made regarding our annual worship service at Knoebels or for our annual back to school Blessing of the Backpacks.
Youth Group will continue to meet on the second and last Thursday throughout the summer. We will be meeting either by Zoom or by social distancing in person. Please bring masks and wash hands frequently for any in-person youth group event. Generally speaking, we anticipate that our in-person youth group activities will be held out doors.
PSEC Annual Spring Meeting
Thursday, June 4 - Saturday, June 6, 2020 - CANCELLED
The Annual Spring Meeting of our Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the United Church of Christ has been cancelled for 2020 due to the social distancing precautions related to COVID-19.
For more information, click on this PSEC Annual Spring Meeting 2020 link and/or contact our delegates: Jon Henning and Geri Gammel
Conrad Weiser Baccalaureate Service
Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 7:30pm - CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conrad Weiser Baccalaureate Service has been cancelled.
The annual Conrad Weiser Baccalaureate Worship Service will be held on Thursday, June 4 at 7:30pm in the Conrad Weiser High School auditorium. The annual baccalaureate is organized and led by the Conrad Weiser Ministerium and the Conrad Weiser graduating class.
Draped In White
June 2020
For the last three Sundays of May, the church building has been draped in black as we share in our common loss and common grief of the death of the Rev. George Miller, who served as the Pastor of St. Paul's UCC for 26 years and Pastor Emeritus for 18 years.
The church building had previously been draped in black following the death of the Rev. Thomas Leinbach 111 years ago, in May 1909.
We have now changed those black cloths to white. We plan to leave the white cloths up through at least the month of June. We have white cloth draped from the bell tower, across the sign in the front of the building, over the cross along the side of the building, over the "Miller Fellowship Hall" sign (named in Rev. Miller's honor), and over the lecturn and pulpit.
Black is liturgical color for mourning and grief; white is the liturgical color for baptism and resurrection. We celebrate the resurrection that Rev. Miller shares with Christ through his baptism, the same resurrection joy which Rev. Miller had proclaimed to us when he preached in the pulpit, stood by the graveside at the funerals, sat by the hospital bed side in prayer, shared while pouring the waters of baptism, and in so many other places and settings throughout his life. Death and grief do not have the final word for the Rev. George Miller or for any of us; resurrection and life are victorious through our baptism in Christ!
As we hear from the Apostle Paul, "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:55,57).
Pentecost Sunday
Happy Birthday to the Christian Church!
Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples after Jesus had ascended into heaven ten days earlier on Ascension Day. As such, Pentecost is also the celebration of the birthday of the Christian Church. The following season of Pentecost, is the season of the church in mission. It is a season of every member of the church, as a disciple of Christ and as a part of the Priesthood of All Believers, going out into the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through both our words and actions.
For more information about our worship services throughout the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Memorial Day Weekend
Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream Only
This morning, Pastor Bob Masenheimer, our Minister of Music will be offering the children's sermon, sermon, and pastoral prayer. This worship service will be by live stream only (we will not have the Zoom feature this Sunday), and as such, there will still be a children's sermon, it just will not be interactive for this Sunday.
Ascension Day is the Thursday between the 6th and 7th Sunday of Easter. We will be following our tradition of celebrating the Ascension of Christ on this the 7th Sunday of Easter. We will have the liturgy of extinguishing the paschal candle during the worship service.
We hope you will join with us in Memorial Day prayers this Sunday, as we remember all gave some, and some gave all.
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Heidelberg Catechism Discussion/Study
Sundays at 12:45pm - Online Only
Sunday, May 17 - Sunday, May 31
Pastor Bob Masenheimer will be leading a Zoom study/discussion of the Heidelberg Catechism, including the study of the scripture upon which it is based. Since 1563, the Heidelberg Catechism has been used to teach the fundamentals of the Christian faith for those of the Reformed Tradition. What is at the core of our beliefs? Join in this study/discussion to deep your understanding of scripture and of our Reformed theological roots.
The study will be held Sundays, from May 17 to May 31 from 12:45pm to 1:45pm.
We have more information (including the log on information) on our Adult Study Group page by clicking on this Heidelberg Catechism Discussion/Study Group link.
Draped In Black
Sunday, May 17, 2020
During the worship service on Sunday, May 17 we will be offering Prayers of Remembrance for the Rev. George Miller, who served as the Pastor of St. Paul's UCC for 26 years and Pastor Emeritus for 18 years.
As we together remember and mourn Rev. Miller, who had pastored so many others during their darkest valleys and times of grief and losss, we have draped the church building in black, including the bell tower, church sign, outside cross, lecturn and pulpit, and the "Miller Fellowship Hall" sign. After a few weeks, we will take down the black material, and replace it with white cloth. White being the symbolic color of resurrection, after a period of mourning, we celebrate the resurrection that Rev. Miller shares with Christ through his baptism, the same resurrection joy which Rev. Miller had shared with so many others throughout his life.
The church building had previously been draped in black following the death of the Rev. Thomas Leinbach 111 years ago, in May 1909.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
During our 10:25am live stream worship service, we will be pausing in prayer, as one family of faith, to remember and give thanks for our brother in faith and Pastor Emeritus of St. Paul's UCC, the Rev. George Miller. Please also look for a future announcement in regard to a public memorial service for Rev. Miller, for which we currently need to wait, due to safety needs of social distancing.
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Festival of the Christian Home and Mother's Day
Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
The second Sunday of May is both "Mother's Day" (in the secular calendar) and the "Festival of the Christian Home" (in the Christian calendar). On this Sunday we give thanks for all the mothers and motherly figures in our lives who have blessed us. On this Sunday we also give thanks for the ways in which our Christian faith has been taught in our homes.
This year, as a part of our celebration of the Festival of the Christian Home, we will be partaking in communion in our homes. We will be using pre-filled communion cups with unleavened bread enclosed. The elements will be blessed during the previous Sunday's worship service (May 3), and then delivered to homes (for those living in the area) on the following Tuesday and Wednesday, so that we have them for the May 10 live stream worship service. If you would like communion delivered to your home, please contact the church office with the number of cups needed in your home. We will be giving priority to members, but expect to have a limited supply of additional cups that we can deliver to friends, family, and neighbors on a first come basis while supplies last.
Those bagging will be practicing social distancing, feeling healthy, have normal temperatures, and wearing gloves and masks. Those delivering will likewise need to have normal temperatures, feeling healthy, wearing gloves, and will simply set a bag with the communion elements at your front door, knock, and leave. We will be delivering early in the week, to add to your assurance that the use of the communion will be long after the survivability of the virus on any of the surfaces.
If you would like to help with the bagging or delivering, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or We will be limiting how many people are bagging at one time, to help with social distancing.
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, and/or to help with some of our special Mother's Day preparations, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Good Shepherd Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
The 4th Sunday of Easter is also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday". Join us in hearing how Jesus is our Good Shepherd.
During this worship service we will be blessing the pre-filled communion cups for distribution during the week that we might all share in communion through the live stream on the following Sunday, May 3.
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Elder Abuse Workshop
Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 1:00pm - CANCELLED
Our guest speaker from the Phoebe-Berks retirement community will be providing us with information to increase our awareness, understanding, and prevention of elder abuse.
Due to the social distancing needs and the efforts to help keep people safe, especially our most vulnerable population, the Elder Abuse Workshop scheduled for April 26 has been cancelled. We hope to offer this in the future when we are able to back together again in person.
Third Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Traditionally, the reading for the Third Sunday of Easter is "Jesus' Walk to Emmaus" following his resurrection. This passage reminds us to look for Jesus in our daily walks through life.
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Holy Humor Sunday
Cake Sundae
Happy New Birthday Party
Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 10:25am - POSTPONED
We are postponing this years' Holy Humor Sunday to a Sunday when we can once again gather together in the sanctuary and fellowship hall, and hope to make this into a grand celebration!
This year's Holy Humor Sunday theme will be that of the new birth of new life we receive through the Easter resurrection of Jesus Christ. During worship we will have our usual children's sermon, children's bulletins, choir anthem, and sermon; and we will also have activities for children, humor, special decorations, and more. You are invited to come dressed as you would for a party, or a children's/adult's birthday party, or just casual. After worship, during the fellowship time, we will have cake - a lot of cake. Although, you do not need to bring any food or drink, you are invited to bake/bring a cake, soda or punch, or other side snacks. Please contact anyone from the Worship Committee if you have questions about what to bring.
Each year for Holy Humor Sunday we select a different theme. Generally, the Worship Committee begins the selection process in January. In the past few years the youth group has selected the theme and put together this fun worship service. This year the youth group chose a theme that would revolve around birthday cake.
What is Holy Humor Sunday?
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday.
This ancient Easter custom was begun by the Greeks in the early centuries of Christianity. For centuries Holy Humor Sunday has been celebrated by Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant countries going by a variety of names, including "Bright Sunday" (the Sunday after Easter) and “days of joy and laughter” with parties and picnics the week after Easter to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Churchgoers and pastors played practical jokes on each other, drenched each other with water, told jokes, sang, and danced.
The custom was written about by early church theologians, including Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, and John Chrysostom. These theologians called it “Risus paschalis - the Easter laugh,” referring to God playing a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead.
The custom began to fade by the mid 1900s in many churches. In 1988 the Fellowship of Merry Christians, which bi-monthly publishes The Joyful Noiseletter, began to encourage churches to resurrect “Bright Sunday” celebrations and to call it “Holy Humor Sunday.” The first theme they encouraged was: “Jesus is the LIFE of the party.” The Fellowship of Merry Christians encourages churches in general to uplift the joy and humor found in scripture and in our Christian faith. You can learn more on their website at:
St. Paul’s UCC has been celebrating Holy Humor Sunday annually since 2014. Previous themes and pictures from those worship services can be found on the “Photos” page of our website.
The Worship Committee begins considering themes each January for the next Holy Humor Sunday, and we welcome individuals to share ideas. For the past few years our youth group or confirmation class came up with and developed the theme
For more information, contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, chair; or Terry Pastor co-chair) or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Previous Holy Humor Themes
You can view pictures from some of our previous years by clicking on the following links:
2019 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Drawn to Christ"
2018 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Medieval"
2017 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Game On!"
2016 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Come Fishing"
2015 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: “From Zeroes to Heroes”
2014 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "A Childlike vs A Childish Faith"
Second Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
Traditionally, the scripture reading for the Second Sunday of Easter is Jesus' appearance to the disciples in a locked room following his resurrection.
You can view a Mine Craft retelling of this story created in 2017 for our "Game" themed Holy Humor Sunday worship service by clicking on this A Mine Craft Telling of Jesus Appearing to Thomas - Created by Steven link. (You may need to turn up the brightness of your screen to view the video well).
Easter is not merely a celebration of resurrection that takes place on one day, but is a celebrate of resurrection over the course of seven weeks. Join us on line and in spirit over the course of this seven weeks, as even though we are physically apart during social distancing, we are together as one through our risen lord, Jesus the Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Easter Flowers
Pick Up: After Worship Service on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020
Flowers sprouting out of the ground are signs for us as Christians of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, and the rebirth to new life we experience through him. Flowers also add to the beauty of the Easter season at St. Paul's UCC. The Decorating Committee has taken orders for potted Easter Flower plants and put them on display in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! Dedication of the flowers to honor or remember special loved ones will be printed in the April/May Herald. Thank you to all who placed orders!
You may take home your flowers after the worship service on Easter Sunday. Please contact Denise Unger of the Decorating Committee to set up a time that is convenient for you and the Decorating Committee.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 12, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
We will have one Easter worship service this year at 10:25am (rather than two), so that we can join together as one church, at one time, as one Body of Christ, even when separated by social distancing, and celebrate in the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour who through the sacrifice of himself, saves all of us from sin and death. We will have a children's sermon, regular sermon. downloadable children's bulletins, lighting of the 2020 Paschal Candle, and Holy Communion through a door drop off.
(For more information on communion this year, please see the April 3, 2020 E-Newsletter entitled "Easter Communion" or contact the church office).
Join us for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 6:30pm
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
You are invited to participate in this worship service through Live Stream or Zoom. The Maundy Thursday worship bulletin is available at this bulletin link. Within that bulletin is a prayer for you to use for your evening meal. You are invited to purchase bread and wine/juice ahead of time, as the Pastor will lead us in a commune service, as we all comune from our homes.
(Please note, with having Tenebrae included in our Maundy Thursday worship service, we will not be having a separate Good Friday worship service).
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 10:25am
This Year: Live Stream & Zoom Only
The Sunday before Easter is "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday." Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Passion Sunday commemerates the beginning of Holy Week. We will have our traditional "Blessing of the Palms" this Sunday, and we will have enough palms for everyone to be able to take a blessed palm branch home with them.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Zoom Devotion & Conversation with the Pastor
Wednesday, April 1 from 11:00am-12:00noon
You are invited to join in a time of prayer, reflection, and conversation with Pastor Ben on Wednesday, April 1 from 11am-12noon through using a Zoom conference call. This will be our first attempt using this approach, so please be patient as we learn how to best use this technology, as a way to stay connected, while practicing social distancing.
You will need the following log in information:
To Join the Zoom Video Conference Call:
or to join with just audio on a telelphone call: 1-646-558-8656
When prompted enter the following Meeting ID#: 139 124 147
Half Truths
Five Wednesdays in Lent at 6:30pm
Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, & 25, April 1, 2020
A Combined St. Paul's - Zion UCC Lenten Experience
Wednesday, March 18 & 25 - CANCELLED for In-Person Gathering
Wednesday, March 18 - click here for Online Option
Wednesday, March 25 - click here for Online Option
Wednesday, April 1 - click here for Online & Zoom Option
Our focus for the Wednesday evenings in Lent* will be, "God helps those who help themselves, and other things the Bible doesn't say."
There are common sayings that we hear, which perhaps we think are in the Bible, but actually are not, such as: "everything happens for a reason," "God won't give you more than you can handle," and "love the sinner, hate the sin." We will be exploring sayings such as these, and learning more about what the Bible actually does say. This is more than a book study and more than a worship service. Each Wednesday evening will gather at 6:30pm for scripture, prayer, praise, study, discussion, and fellowship.
We will be using Adam Hamilton's book Half Truths as our resource for study. You can purchase the book on your own, or you can purchase it through the church for $7.00 by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href=""> You can participate either with or without the book (having the book is recommended but optional). We do not wish for the cost to prohibit anyone from participation; if you would like the book, but cannot afford it, there is limited confidential scholarship funds available on a first come basis through the church office.
The first video to the right is a video about this study series; the second video to the right is a preview video of Week #1.
St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia and Zion UCC in Womelsdorf are sharing together in these five Wednesdays. This will be hosted at St. Paul's UCC in the casual setting of the "Upper Room" (the upstairs gathering room, accessible by elevator and stairs); if the attendance is more than the capacity of that room, we will gather in the larger downstairs "Miller Fellowship Hall."
*The season of Lent is the 40 days plus Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. As Christians, during the season of Lent, we participate in additional spiritual disciplines, such as additional worship, prayer, study, fasting, service, and the like. Lent reminds us of the sinfulness of humankind and the great love of Jesus Christ for us, which led to his crucifixion. Lent especially reminds us that we continue to sin through those bad things we say and do, as well as those good and loving things that we sometimes neglect to say and do. Out of repentance and thanksgiving to Christ, we engage in these additional spiritual disciplines over these 40 days. These Wednesday evenings give us the opportunity to practice such a time of spiritual discipline and spiritual growth together.
For more information, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson). If you would like to help as a greeter/usher, lector, refreshment host, video operator, provide leadership for the youth discussion, or help in other ways, please contact any member of the Worship Committee.
Lenten Wednesday Evening - Week #3 Online Option
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Due to the need for social distancing, we are providing an adaption of
the planned worship/study service for you to be able to do in your own home. We invite you to sometime on Wednesday (or another time this week) to follow along with the bulletin, perhaps sing along with Lauren Daigle's YouTube Music video (the link can be found in the bulletin), read
the discussion prepared by the Rev. Mary Etta Mest, and offer this
evening's prayers to the Lord.
Bulletin: Bulletin for Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Discussion/Reflection: God Won’t Give You More than You Can Handle
Lenten Wednesday Evening - Week #4 Online Option
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Due to the need for social distancing, we are providing an adaption of the planned worship/study service for you to be able to do in your own home. We invite you to sometime on Wednesday (or another time this week) to follow along with the bulletin, perhaps sing along with for King and Country's Music video "Burn the Ships" (the link can be found in the bulletin), reflection on the discussion questions found on page 4 of the bulletin.
Bulletin & Discussion Questions: Bulletin & Questions for Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Lenten Wednesday Evening - Week #5 Online Option
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Due to the need for social distancing, we are providing an adaption of the planned worship/study service for you to be able to do in your own home. We invite you to sometime on Wednesday (or another time this week) to follow along with the bulletin, perhaps sing along with for King and Country's Music video "Burn the Ships" (the link can be found in the bulletin), reflection on the discussion questions found on page 4 of the bulletin.
Bulletin & Discussion Questions: 200401_LentWedEvening5_Bltn.pdf
We will also attempt to have a Zoom Conference Call this evening to discuss the book. Please use the following log in information to join the video/audio call:
Join Zoom Worship & Discussion:
or for just audio participation, call: 1-646-558-8656
When prompted enter the following Meeting ID#: 377 421 222
Mid-Week Afternoon Lenten Wednesdays
Five Wednesdays in Lent at 12:00noon
Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, & 25, April 1, 2020
A Combined Ministry of the Conrad Weiser Ministerium
During the five Wednesdays of Lent that follow Ash Wednesday, the churches of the Conrad Weiser Ministerium will be hosting a noon worship service followed by a free meal. We will rotate to five different churches on the schedule listed below. We offer this as a hopefully beneficial additional spiritual discipline opportunity in the season of Lent.
Our theme this year will be "Conversations Around the Campfire", which will include a dialogue between people portraying Biblical characters discussing the passion and crucifixion of Christ.
This year's scheduled churches are as follows:
March 4 - Zion Lutheran, Womelsdorf
March 11 - Trinity Lutheran, Robesonia
March 18 - Trinity Lutheran, Wernersville
March 25 - St. Francis de Sales Catholic, Robesonia - CANCELLED
April 1 - St. Daniel's Lutheran, Robesonia - CANCELLED
For more information about these worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor, Co-Chairperson).
Called To Care Training
Session #2: Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 3:30PM
Session #3: TBD
Session #4: TBD
Session #5: TBD
Session #6: TBD
Session #7: TBD
“Called-To-Care” (C2C) is our seven session training program for members of our church to be engaged in the visitation ministry to our hospitalized, ill, and homebound members.
Our next session will be held on Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 3:30pm, via Zoom.
Log-on information:
The March 29 session will be session #2 of 7. Sessions #1 & #2 focus on some of the basics of visiting - how to initiate a visit, confidentially, basics of hospitals and nursing homes, referals, etc. All Visitation Care Team Members and Elders should complete a minimum of sessions #1 & #2 before making visits.
There is no fee to participate in this training session. Pre-registration is encouraged to make sure that we have enough materials. To pre-register, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Background of the C2C Program:
“Called-To-Care” (C2C) is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. It is used in many different congregations and nursing home facilities throughout the country to train and organize lay visitation.
In 2017, it was instituted as St. Paul’s UCC official lay visitation program.
In the past couple of years, Pastor Ben has taught this twice here at St. Paul’s for our members and members of Zion’s UCC in Womelsdorf.
All elders (whether currently on Consistory or not) are to complete at least session #1 & #2 by the end of February 2019, which addresses such issues as confidentiality, initiating a visit, basic do’s and don’t’s of a hospital or home visit, and more. All elders who are providing communion are to also complete session #7, which goes over the serving of communion.
For more information about C2C or VCT Ministry, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or
Joining the Visitation Care Team Ministry:
Although all elders vow to assist in prayers and visits as a part of their ordination vows, other members are also welcome to participate in our VCT Ministry. However, to make sure our visits are safe and appropriate, VCT members do need: (1) to be trained in visiting (and have completed at least sessions #1 & #2 before their first visit); (2) be approved to visit by the Spiritual Council; and (3) be approved by Christian Ed through our Safe Conduct process to visit the sick and vulnerable within our church.
If you are interested in being a part of the VCT Ministry, please contact the pastor, and/or the visitation coordinators: Terry Pastor and Sheri Rowe.
Laetare - 4th Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 10:25am
We will be live streaming this worship service. Due to the Coronavirus, no in-person worship on this Sunday.
Laetare Sunday is a Sunday of "Joy" as we pass the half way point of the somber season of Lent. In some traditions, Laetare Sunday is a day to take a small break in your Lenten fast. In some churches, pink/rose colored paraments are used to highlight this day, as the liturgical color of "joy". Let us join together - even if by live stream - in joy of the Good News of our Lord.
For more information about our healing service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson).
Healing Service
Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 10:25am - POSTPONED
Due to the Coronavirus, the high probability that we will only have worship via live stream on March 22, and wanting to support social distancing to slow the spread of the virus, we are postponing the March 22 healing service for another yet-to-be-determined date. To be added to the prayer list or prayer chain, contact the church office at or 610-621-5770. You can also contact the office or the Volunteer Care Team Coordinator to have someone pray with you over the telephone or by other electronic communication.
The Previous Information About This Service Was....
On Sunday, March 22 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
Prayers for healing might include: healing of body, mind, spirit, or relationship. Prayers for healing might be for yourself, someone you know, or someone in the world for whom you wish to pray.
There is no one way to come to God in prayer. We offer more than one way to participate in prayers of healing in order to better meet the spiritual diversity of those gathered for worship, and our preferences and needs change throughout our spiritual lives. You may participate in more than one of the following:
Order for Laying on of Hands (Option 1) - you will be invited to come forward and sit in the first pew. One of our healing team pairs will pray for persons one at a time (or you may come forward as a couple or as a family). You will let the team know your name and if you have a particular healing prayer request or would just like a general prayer for healing. The prayer team will then place their hands on you (i.e. hands, shoulders, back), pray for you, and then anoint your head with oil. After which you may depart.
Candle Lighting Prayer (Option 2) - Simply come forward and use one of the match sticks to light a candle for healing and wholeness. If there are multiple persons for whom you are lifting up in prayer, you are certainly welcome to use additional candles for each person. You may wish to softly speak their name as you light the candle. You may also wish to pause and offer a silent prayer to God for them, for yourself, or for whomever you are praying.
Kneeling Prayer (Option 3) - Your are invited to come forward and kneel at the chancel rail to offer prayers of healing for yourself and/or for others.
Remaining in Your Pew (Option 4) - For those who do not come forward for any of the other three options, we invite you to pray for yourself and/or pray for those who come forward for healing and wholeness in your life and in theirs.
All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome. As we pray for healing, we pray for God's will and wisdom in answering our prayers for healing.
More Information
For more information about our healing service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Easter Flowers
Order Due Date: March 22, 2020
Pick Up: After Either Worship Service on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2020
Flowers sprouting out of the ground are signs for us as Christians of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, and the rebirth to new life we experience through him. Flowers also add to the beauty of the Easter season at St. Paul's UCC. The Decorating Committee is currently taking orders for potted Easter Flower plants. Please consider ordering flowers for Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! You may dedicate your flowers to honor or remember special loved ones.
Orders need to be submitted by March 22. Please follow the link to access the Easter Flower Order Form. Since the florist needs the number of potted plants to be ordered by March 22, please email your flower order to the church office (at" data-mce-href=""> as soon as possible. Then print out the order form, fill in the dedication information, and mail the completed order form along with your check to the church (301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551).
Your check should be made payable to "St. Paul's UCC" and include the notation "Easter Flowers" on the memo line of the check. You can also pay for your orders online, by clicking on this Online Payment link, enter your amount under "Other", and indicate it is for "Easter Flowers."
Paper copies of the order form are available in the March issue of The Herald and on a table in the upstairs hallway at the church building.
You may take home your flowers after the 6:30am or 10:25am worship services on Easter Sunday. Thank you!
For more information, please contact Denise Unger of the Decorating Committee.
Easter Candy Sale
Pick up - April 4 & 5, 2020 - POSTPONED
Order Due Date: March 20, 2020
St. Paul's UCC's 21st Century Christian Women's Group is now receiving orders for their annual Easter Candy Sale. Proceeds help support the many important ministries you find on this website. This is a delicious way to support the ministries of the church, and a satisfying way to bring an end to your Lenten fast.
An e-mailable order form is available by clicking on this Easter Candy Order Form link (this form works best with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, but may not open correctly with the Firefox browser). You can also pay for your orders online, by clicking on this Online Payment link, enter your amount under "Fund-raiser", and indicate it is for a "Candy Order." Paper copies of the order form are available in the March issue of The Herald and on a table in the upstairs hallway at the church building.
For more information or to have an order form sent to you, please contact Sue Hiester of the 21st Century Christian Women's Group or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
To help make candy, look here for dates/times of candy making and/or contact Sue Hiester.
*Due to the Coronavirus, and the uncertainty of what the situation will be for the upcoming weeks, the Easter Candy making and pickup has been postponed to a yet-to-be-determined date. If you have already placed an order and would like to cancel it, please contact Sue Hiester or the church office. We apologize for any inconvenience, as we strive to make prudent decisions about safety at this time.
Youth Choir Singing
Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 10:25am
The Youth Choir will be singing during worship on the Third Sunday in Lent.
Due to the Coronavirus, for those who are still interested in participating, rehearsal will be at 10:00am. Depending on how many youth arrive, will determine whether or not we will have the planned youth choir this Sunday or postpone to another Sunday.
For more information, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Exploring Faith Series
and New Member Class
Begins: Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 9:15am - CANCELLED
Pre-registration Date: Thursday, March 12 at 12noon
(Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required, walk-ins welcome)
This six week series begins on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Our classes will be from 9:15am - 10:15am, and will be held downstairs in the Miller Fellowship Hall.
During this series we will be learning about God, the Bible, the UCC denomination, discipleship, St. Paul's UCC, the sacraments, your questions, and more. This class is helpful for new members and those considering membership - without any pressure to join the church.
The series will be led by Pastor and will cover such topics as....
(1) Why and how do we as Christians use the Bible
(2) How and why we worship in the way that we do
(3) Prayer practices
(4) Baptism and Holy Communion
(5) Who is God and what is the Trinity
(6) History, structure, creeds, and statements of faith of the UCC
(7) Learning about the Spiritual Gifts God has given each of us
(8) The Mission & Vision of St. Paul’s UCC
(9) The new SafeConduct policies processes within St. Paul’s UCC
(10) and more....
This class also serves as our New Member Class. If you participate in this class, there is no obligation or pressure to join. This adult class is open to visitors, new members, long-time members, and everyone in between.
If you joined St. Paul’s UCC within the past year or two, and have not taken this class, you are especially encouraged to participate, as we want you to know your church well.
You are welcome to participate even if you cannot make all the classes. Even if you can only make a couple of the classes, we are happy to have you participate. There is no fee.
Please pre-register for the class by contacting the church office at or 610-621-5770 or sign up in the narthex hallway (before Thursday, March 12 at 12noon), so the office secretary has enough time to run off enough materials printed for everyone for our first day of class. However, you need not pre-register, walk-ins will be very welcome.
For more information about this series, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or
First Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 10:25am
On the First Sunday in Lent we will share in the sacrament of Holy Communion and hear about the 40 days in which Jesus was in the wilderness tempted by the devil.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. It is a season where Christians seek to further deepen their spiritual disciplines through additional worship, prayer, study of scripture, outreach, mission service, alms giving, and/or fasting. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen”, referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate spring and the new life granted through the resurrection - moving from darkness to light.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor, Co-Chairperson).
Ash Wednesday - Lent Begins
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:30pm
Our Ash Wednesday worship service will be on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:30pm. We will be offering the imposition of ashes, as well as offering communion in the pews. Worshipers will have the option of receiving ashes on their foreheads, the back of their hands, or not at all - whichever you prefer.
We will have nursery in the "Upper Room" (our upstairs conference room), as AA meets downstairs on Wednesday evenings, and we do not wish to interrupt their meeting to get to our usual nursery room. We will also have a children's sermon and children's bulletins this evening.
Click on this "Why Ashes on Ash Wednesday" link to learn more about the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The season of Lent includes the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen,” referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate the longer days of spring and the new life granted through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter -- moving from darkness to light.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor, Co-Chairperson).
Transfiguration Sunday
Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 10:25am
On Sunday, February 23 we will have our annual Transfiguration Sunday worship service at 10:25am.
Transfiguration Sunday takes place on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (the last Sunday in the Epiphany Season before we begin the Season of Lent). The gospel lesson for Transfiguration Sunday is that of Jesus taking Peter, James, and John up the mountain, where Jesus is transfigured (changed into dazzling white) before their eyes, and he is joined by Moses and Elijah.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Burning of the Palms
Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 9:15am
We will be having the annual burning of the palms outside on Sunday, February 23 during the 9:15am Sunday school hour, weather permitting. Pastor Ben will be teaching why we use ash from palm branches on Ash Wednesday, as well as the process of creating the Ash Wednesday ashes.
If you have palms you would like to donate, you can bring them to the church office on Sunday, February 16 (or bring them anytime between now and Sunday school on February 23).
For information, please contact Elsa Wertz, Chair of Christian Education; Geri Gammel; or Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or or
Scout Sunday
Combined Girl Scout and Scout BSA Sunday
Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 10:25am
Rather than having a separate Girl Scout and Scout BSA Sunday, we will be having one combined “Scout Sunday” this year.
All those involved in Girl Scouts U.S.A., Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Venture Scouts, Campfire USA, American Heritage Girls, and other scouting groups - both as youth and adults - are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration. To receive the 2020 Scout BSA or Girl Scout Sunday patch, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by Sunday, February 2, 2020, and indicate whether you would like the Scout BSA or Girl Scout Sunday patch. To sign up, you can also call or e-mail the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
For more information, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Lynelle Heimbach, Chairperson and Terry Pastor Co-Chairperson).
Youth Group Lock-In
Saturday, February 15 to Sunday, February 16, 2020
Babysitting will be from 5:00-9:00pm on Saturday, February 15. After the babysitting ends, our lock-in begins. The lock-in will continue until the conclusion of worship on Sunday, February 16 at 11:45am. Youth participating in the lock-in should also participate in Sunday school and Sunday morning worship.
Youth and chaperones should bring sleep bag or blanket(s), pillow, modest sleepware, toiletries, and a change of clothing for Sunday. A sleeping pad is also recommended. You are encouraged to bring games and are welcome to bring snacks and movies (chaperones will have the final say on the appropriateness of the movies).
The youth will be making breakfast on Sunday. The final details on the breakfast menu will be made by the youth at their Thursday, February 13 meeting.
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group.
Valentine's Babysitting
Parents' Night Out
Saturday, February 15, 2020 from 5:00-9:00pm
The Youth Group of St. Paul’s UCC and their adult helpers are offering babysitting Saturday, February 15 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, with drop off and pick up times flexible between those hours (child does not have to be there the entire time).
Cost is $6.00/hour/ child. ***
We are accepting up to 15 children. (ages 2-11)
Supper will be served and is included in this cost.
Please sign up by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 at Leave a message including your name, phone number, number of children and their names. We will return your call as soon as possible!
Call or e-mail by or before 3:00pm on Thursday, February 13 to make a reservation! ***
Let us babysit while you take your special someone out for Valentine’s Day or take a well deserved break!
***The money raised will help support the ministries and activities of the Youth Group of St. Paul’s UCC.
For the safety of all, all of our adult supervising leaders meet the requirements of our Safe Sanctuary / Youth Protection Policies, including completing background checks, references, and interviews.
St. Paul’s U.C.C.; 301 West Penn Avenue; Robesonia, PA 19551
For more information, please contact Beth Miller or the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Souper Bowl of Caring
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Souper Bowl and Cans of Soup
Help the youth of St. Paul’s UCC help others in our community in need through loving Christian outreach by donating cans of soup for the Souper Bowl. Place your soup cans in the team’s can that you think will win the real Super Bowl! The soup cans will be donated to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry.
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national youth effort. We will submit our youth's total of soup cans donated with the totals of youth groups throughout the country, that our youth (and all of us) can be inspired by what youth can do to make a real and important difference in our community and the world.
Youth Communion Classes
Sunday, February 2 at 9:15am
Pastor Ben Motz is offering classes for children, teens, and young adults who have not yet been confirmed, but who would like to participate in the sacrament of Holy Communion. The classes give the opportunity for youth to have an understanding and greater reverence for the sacrament before participating.
If you are unsure whether participating in communion is right for your child at this time, please note that youth do not need to commune after taking the class. You can come to the class, learn more, and then decide afterwards. However, if you do wish to commune, unconfirmed youth need to participate in the communion class or complete the confirmation program, so that they have a more complete understanding of what this Sacrament is about.
If you would like to participate in the class, but are unable to attend on February 2, please contact the church office or Pastor, as with enough interest, the Pastor will hold another Youth & Communion Class on the following Sunday, Feburary 9 at 9:15am.
For more details about children and communion, you can pick up a copy of St. Paul’s “Children & Communion” booklet from the church office. For more information, please contact the Pastor at 610-621-5770 or
Where No One Stands Alone
Cottage Meetings
Tuesday, January 28 at 2:00pm
Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30pm
Tuesday, February 4 at 2:00pm
Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30pm
Sunday, February 9 at 3:30pm
The Fellowship Committee, Pastor Ben, and the Elders are working together to schedule and host cottage meetings in the upcoming months. There are five opportunities listed above. You can sign up using the sheets in the hallway or by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href=""> The first four will take place in a member's home who has offered to host, and the fifth will take place at the church buildings.
Cottage meetings are small gatherings of members, hosted by one member in their home, with the Pastor and a pair of Elders providing leadership. It is hoped that these cottage meetings will give members a chance to talk in a small group setting with the Pastor and Elders about hopes, dreams, perspectives, questions, etc. We are hoping to have every member living in the area attend one of these cottage meetings.
The Fellowship Committee, Elders, Pastor, and others have been meeting throughout this past year to develop an approach for members to be of greater mutual support for one another; striving for a church where no one stands alone, where each member feels more supported by other members, where each member feels as though they have an important role in supporting other members, and where members are less like to “slip through the cracks” of us (their church) not knowing when they are in a time of need of which we could potentially be of support and care for them. During the summer, the Fellowship Committee, Elders, and Pastor met and developed such an approach. This approach of increasing mutual support within St. Paul’s UCC is one of the key topics we hope to share with the membership during these cottage meetings, inviting your questions and input, gaining your additional perspective, and sharing with you how we hope this will be a blessing in each other’s lives.
Refreshments will be served. There is no fee to participate, and there is nothing you need to bring, except yourself. We plan to be gathered for an hour and a half at each session.
To sign up, to offer to host a cottage meeting, or if you have questions, please contact any member of the Fellowship Committee, including: Steve Miller (chair), Geneva Aulenbach (vice chair), or Georgianna Hildebrand. There is also more detailed information in the November and December 2019 issues of The Herald.
Puppet Ministry
Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 10:25am
Join us as The Puppet and Story Works presents Those Amazing Miracles, an intergenerational puppet show that combines Biblical truth, laughter, and song. It is designed for ALL ages and it's FREE for you and your family and friends.
The worship service and puppet show will take place in our fellowship hall on the lower level of the church building during our worship service. We are handicap accessible.
To get you as excited as we are, we have included a sample video clip from The Puppet and Story Works.
Please contact the church office if you have any questions. Our phone number is 610-621-5770. Our email address is We hope to see you there!
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 from 6:00-8:00pm
As part of our “2020 Vision - Six Year Growth Plan,” we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission and living out the Great Commandment.
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach on Tuesday, January 21 from 6:00-8:00pm. This free workshop is open to members and visitors alike. Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can have enough materials photocopied in advance. To register, please use the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 by Sunday, January 19.
As part of the Six Year Growth Plan, all Consistory members and all Standing Committee Chairpersons who did not attend this refresher last year, should attend this workshop this year, as well as other leaders and staff. For more information about this workshop, please contact Pastor Ben at 610-621-5770 or
Snow Tubing
Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 4:00pm
Registration Due: Sunday, January 12
We are planning a Youth Group snow tubing trip for Sunday, January 19, 2020 at Blue Mountain Ski Resort. We will be meeting in the church parking lot at 4:00pm to travel by car pool to Blue Mountain, which is about an hour and a half away. Snow Tubing will be from 6:00-9:00pm. We plan to return to Robesonia between 10:30-11:00pm. Thanks to donations and the fund-raisers the youth have been doing, we are able to reduce the cost of tickets to those who sign up in advance. For those who sign up by Sunday, January 12, the cost is $20 per person for a 3 hour ticket.
Please RSVP by Sunday, January 12, so we can give a head count and finalize reservations with Blue Mountain, and so we know to look for you to car pool. You can RSVP by: (1) signing up at a youth group meeting; (2) contacting the church office at office at or 610-621-5770; or (3) using a the Snow Tubing sign up sheet found in the second floor hallway in the church building.
Please remember to dress in layers. If you have them, please wear: knit hat, gloves, thermal underwear, snow pants, snow boots, and winter coat. You are also encouraged to bring extra gloves, bring a water bottle, and pack a snack/supper/sandwich.
Permission Slip: Click on this Blue Mountain Permission Slip link to fill out the permission slip form in advance.
Click on this Snow Tubing in 2018 link to see pics from our last snow tubing trip two years ago.
I Don't Know What You're Talking About
Communications Workshop
Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 6:00pm
On Tuesday, January 14 from 6:00-6:55pm Pastor Ben offering a Communications Workshop. This workshop is designed to: (1) help provide you with guidance to help make sure your articles are providing the congregation with the information they need to know what you are talking about and what your activity is all about; (2) go over the format needed to submit articles to the office secretary; and (3) to make sure your articles, posters, and flyers fit the necessary guidelines to be used within St. Paul's UCC.
This workshop is for any person who wishes to submit an article for the newsletter, bulletin, website, or hang a flyer in the church building. All elected leaders, as well as anyone who might be interested in communicating within the church through the newsletter, bulletin, flyers, posters, website, facebook, or E-News should attend this workshop.
This workshop is free. No advance registration is needed.
If you took this workshop in the past, it will be similar to the 2019 workshop. However, if you have not taken this workshop since 2017 or before, there have been changes and there will be new information, so you should attend this workshop, also.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or
As a reminder, it is the policy at St. Paul’s UCC that no committee or individual should hang or set out flyers/posters about an event or activity before submitting a complete article to the office secretary about the event, following the guidelines discussed in this workshop.
Annual Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Men's Fellowship Group will cook a feast to start the new year out right. This annual meal starts at 11:00am and goes until 2:00pm. Pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce, a roll, beverage and of course homemade desserts are on the menu. Adults - $12.00 each, children (ages 6-12) - $5.00 each, children under six are free. Come onct and eat yourself full!!