Knoebels Worship 2014


On Sunday, August 17, 2014 before rides opened St. Paul's UCC gathered at Knoebels Amusement Park for a worship service at the pavilion.  Pastor Ben preached on letting the love of God shine through us to give light to the lives of others, especially to those who are in dark, sad, lonely times in their lives.


Prior to this event, members of St. Paul's UCC raised funds to provide ride tickets for youth at Bethany Children's Home to be able to come, worship, and enjoy the rides.  We also provided a luncheon at the pavilion for them.  A thank you to all who helped provide food and ride tickets.


In addition, we had persons from Cub Pack 190 joining us for worship and rides.  This event counted for those Cub Scouts who needed an outdoor worship service for their rank advancement.  It was a joy for us to be able to share in worship with them, and we hope they will join us again next year (and perhaps visit for other events and worship experiences throughout the year).





Thank you to all who contributed to bringing the youth from Bethany to Knoebels.  Two thank you cards from the youth have been posted in the church narthex hallway.  We raised enough funds for every child at Bethany to be able to participate!  That is fantastic!  The church is overwhelmed and very thankful of your generous support!  Only 16 persons from Bethany were able to join us that day; the remaining funds will either be used next year to enable the youth from Bethany to join us again, or will be used in some other way to spritually benefit the youth of Bethany.  Thank you for your support!


Mark your calendars for next year's worship service at Knoebels:

Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 10:30AM

Pavilion Tent #4

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