Watch a Video

The following are television advertisements and web videos produced by our United Church of Christ.  We hope you will share these videos and the extend the welcoming theme of the United Church of Christ found in these videos - No Matter Who You Are, or Where You Are on Life's Journey, You Are Welcome Here!


UCC "All the People" video



A Place Like This

The following "A Place Like This" is the 2016 UCC Video, emphasizing that all are welcome in the UCC.  No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome in a place like this.



UCC "Ejector" television advertisement video

We hope you will enjoy this humorous video created by the United Church of Christ for television, to help communicate our message: "God doesn't reject people.  Neither do weNo matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here."





UCC "The Language of God" video

Isn't it time for religion with relevance?  Watch and share this new powerful message from the United Church of Christ.  God is still speaking,



UCC "Trading Places" video

The United Church of Christ is an ecumenical denomination that places a stronger focus on that what unites, rather than that which divides, as we seek to live out the prayer of Christ in John 17:21, "That they may all be one."
This is the latest UCC video, launched on January 18, 2017.

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