Star Wars

The Faith Awakens - In Worship

Sunday, January 31, 2016




     On Sunday, January 31 we shared in a Star Wars themed worship service.  Worshipers were invited to come dressed as their favorite Star Wars character from any of the episodes, or wear your favorite Star Wars tie or t-shirt, or wear Star Wars apparel, or just come as they would normally dress for worship.  We had Star Wars decorations throughout the sanctuary, and people could take a selfie with a life-size cutout of Chewbacca, Darth Vader, a Clone Trooper, and R2-D2 and C-3P0.


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    Darth Vader was singing in the choir, and there were a couple of other Darth Vaders in the congregation.  Pastor Ben was dressed as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Also worshiping with us was Princess Leia, the Sith Lord Emperor Palpetine (Darth Sideous), another Sith Lord, a Storm Trooper, and many Jedi padawans with light sabers.

     For the Junior Sermon, the pastor talked with the youth and children about Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger from Star Wars Rebels and the Old Testament scribe Ezra, and how no matter how old or young we are, we can all share hope and light with our fellow humankind, as Ezra Bridger shared a message of hope with the galaxy through the communications tower on Lothal, and the scribe Ezra shared the hope of God through the scriptures.  At the conclusion of the Junior Sermon, the pastor had Star Wars themed handouts for the youth.


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     During the main sermon, the pastor pointed out parallels between Star Wars, Christianity, and Buddhism.  The scripture selections included: Isaiah 58:1-14; Romans 5:1-8; and chapters 1 and 17 of the Gospel of John.  John's first chapter talks about the light of Christ coming into the world.  The 17th chapter retells the prayer of Christ, that we may all be one.

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StarWars 009 CQf     During his sermon, the pastor talked about the struggles between the path of light and the path of darkness, how Christ brings a light that outshines any darkness, and how we can choose the path of light (and how we can all be seduced and tempted by the darkside).  Christ was most powerful when he was most vulnerable - on the cross with his arms outstretched.  Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker likewise revealed a greater power than that of Darth Vader when they were most vulnerable.  The Ewoks were overlooked as seemingly powerless insignificant creatures, but were able to make a significant and decisive difference in a galatic battle.  No matter how powerful or not we might feel, we play an important role in bringing light to all the dark places in life experienced by our fellow humankind, and we are to help lead one another to the oneness of life expressed and hoped for in Christianity (John 17), Buddhism, and by the Jedi Masters.




     Below are pictures from the Star Wars Worship Service.  You can find more pictures on our FaceBook page by clicking on this Star Wars FaceBook Photos link.




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     We had such a great time with our Star Wars worship theme, our youth decided to have a similar theme for our 2016 Jack Frost Parade float.  You can view pictures from that parade by clicking on this 2016 Jack Frost Parade Photos link.


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May the Faith Be With You!

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