Our Pastor

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz

MotzB-2009g-C3Word of Welcome

"I want to welcome you to St. Paul's UCC's website.  I'm glad that you found us here.  I hope that the information you find is helpful to you wherever you are in your fatih journey.  A website can only communicate so much, and it is not the programs, the building, or the liturgy that make the church.  Rather it is the people who make the church a church.  I hope that you will join us in person and meet the warming, caring, loving people of St. Paul's, whether it be in worship, a Bible study, a mission project, or a special event.  I hope that you will find, as have I, that no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here."


About our Pastor

DSCN1294-CropPastor Ben Motz is an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and father of three.  He has been serving our congregation since 2013 and has been pastoring UCC churches since 1998.

He is pictured here with his wife and three children.



The Rev. Dr. Motz's education includes a Bachelors of Arts degree from Elizabethtown College, a Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) from our Lancaster Theological Seminary of the United Church of Christ, a Doctorate of Ministry degree (D.Min.) in Ministry to Marriages and Families from Palmer Theological Seminary (Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary), Evangelism studies at Moravian Theological Seminary, a post-graduate certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy from Council for Relationships, and two Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) units at The Reading Hospital and Medical Center.  He received his certificate as a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) from International Association of Trauma Professionals (IATP).


Volunteer Organizations

With his children, he has served in many roles within Girl Scouts USA and Scouts BSA, including Cubmaster, Den Leader, Assistant Scout Master, Youth Protection Champion, and Order of the Arrow.  He volunteers at his children's schools, and in ministries throughout our conference.  He has served for many years at The Reading Hospital and Medical Center on the Professional Advisory Committee for the Chaplaincy Department.

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